


2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Aku
Name Pronunciation: Ah-kyoo
Nickname: Yoo-yoo or Yoo (by Makichu)
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Birthday: January 16th
Sexuality: Homosexual
Mate: Makichu
Family: None
Current Rank: Pack member
Species: Ice
Element: Ice
Marked/Symbolized/Mutated: Yes/Yes/Yes (Leucism)

Aku is an overall gentle wolf that often hides her personal trauma behind laughter, smiles, and teasing. She struggles to be happy at times, but she does her best to move on from things and keep living. Despite her problems, she does in fact enjoy teasing and having fun with her friends; their friendship and presence help her keep her sadness at bay. She dislikes fights but doesn't outright fear them. She is very smart for someone her age and quite a quick thinker, though despite that, she has a lot of anxiety and tends to crack under the pressure.

Aku was born into an average Ice wolf pack in the Ice Lands and lived there peacefully with her parents, two sisters, and her mother's parents for the first four years of her life. It was after she turned four that things took a turn. There were pack members that contracted the "Crazed Fox" disease that eventually started attacking and infecting other members of the pack after breaking free from restraints.
Unfortunately, Aku's family was not spared from that fate; it started with her sisters, who were sadly far too curious and rebellious for their own good, with one being killed immediately from a bite and the other being infected and having to be put down. Her grandparents were both infected as well, as one was a healer and infected by a wolf they were trying to put down and the other was bitten by Aku's sister that had to be put down. Aku was injured by both her grandmother and her father at different times, both of them having been infected; though luckily both sets of wounds were from claws instead of teeth. Her mother was the one to put down both of them but was unfortunately infected as well. Luckily her mother stayed in the right state of mind long enough to say goodbye to her daughter and be taken away before the disease took full effect.
After everything was over with and all of the infected wolves were dealt with, Aku was left with the nannies for quite some time and while she healed up they observed to see if she was infected as well. Luckily for her, she wasn't, but she was left with trauma and scars both mental and physical that she would have to deal with for the rest of her life.
When she was all healed up, she chose to run away instead of staying there where so many bad things occurred. She grew up a loner, barely managing her trauma and everything else before she eventually ended up within a mixed-species pack well away from the Ice Lands. While she has gained a little bit of help from the healers over the years for all of her mental problems, Aku mostly relies on the company of her friends to soothe her mind.
She is very close her mate Makichu and the two spend a lot of time together, both of them like to tease each other a lot and Aku was the first one to figure out that Makichu was gay, before even Fenwick figured it out. Aku often teases Makichu for how flustered she gets. She had a crush on Makichu for quite some time and recently the two became mates.

Extra Facts:
- She has several mental disorders due to the things that happened to her as a pup; Anxiety, Depression, and Fright Scars are the most prominent.
- To this day she is glad that she didn't have to witness her mother's death, as she was closest to her mother compared to the rest of her family.
- Her symbolism is often missed by others due to the fact that her symbols are such tiny marks next to her larger markings as well as similar in color.
- Despite being born in the Ice Lands, she doesn't mind the warmer temperatures of her current home.
- The smaller scars on her hip are from her grandmother while the larger scars that go down her side are from her father.
- She enjoys watching sunsets and that is her favorite time of day as well.
- Her eyes are such a pale green that they almost look white or like a grayish color.