Agathe Kolter



2 years, 4 months ago



stupidity • is not • a right


Name Agathe Kolter
Gender Female
Height 6'0
Country Kievan
Race Born in Delemar moved to Kievan
Role Studies the Sciences



She’s a ‘mad scientist’ / doctor, of sorts but she really wants the best for people. Her experiments are, well, questionable, but she adores her pets and is starting a collection of cockroaches. She also has two sisters, Mary and Chief, the oldest. Her parents are very eccentric and bizarre...she grew up in a very strange environment which fueled her weird mannerisms and sometimes lack-of-personal-space. She worked for a group of people who she was promised had people’s best interests in hand, but the longer she worked there and the more mistakes that are made, she continueed to wonder if she’s doing the right thing. Her employer, and friend, Flora, wanted to profit off of the war that was going on with the other neighboring countries, and took it upon herself to take in prisoners of war to 'rehabilitate' them. In reality she was gleaning information from their minds through her inhumane methods and selling any information that could benefit one of the war-torn countries back to them. Agathe didn't know all the depths of it, but she had to turn a blind eye so many times before she started to become incredibly uncomfortable.

I now pronounce you friends

She ended up meeting Cusick while she was still working for Flora and didn't think things would be an issue. Flora found out about Cusick and how Cusick was an important asset to the war and ended up trapping him. Agathe was caught off guard by all this. They tore out as much information that they could from him and left him there while Agathe put up resistance. She also ended up being stuck there to be 'rehabilitated.' Her and Cusick re-met and they worked together to try to escape. They did manage to escape eventually and ran off to her sister Chief's place to recalibrate. From there began their adventure, from pranking Cusick's old college to running away from rogue bandits. Agathe and Cusick both were in need of a friend who could understand them and their weirdness. Agathe had her other friends and loves them dearly, but she never met someone who she felt so comfortable and open about as much as Cusick.




  • All sorts of animals and insects, she has so m a n y pets
  • Crazy Experimentations and studying the sciences and medical sciences of the world
  • Apple juice, she will pour apple juice into different beakers with various colors and carry it around and just drink it
  • Poetry, she loves it, but it's more of her embarrassing guilty secrets. She loved poetry as a teen but was really into the more abstractness and being an emo. She looks back on it as one would look back on one's old deviant art account


  • College, her college kicked her out because they thought she was too extreme for them
  • Manipulative people -hack- like her (former depending on when you meet her) employer
  • Being a burden to people she cares about, she wants to be a support and not make as many mistakes as she does
  • Her mom's cooking



Cusick [ best friend in the whole world ]

Best friend, will go commit crimes together. On the same wavelength, mad science hec yea. An maybe a lil, maybe a lil smooch?

Chief/Eclair [ sisters ]

They were close in their youth but a rift split them apart for years when Chief ran off to start a gang. They're back to being close after Chief was released from prison and tight now.

Flora [ ex-friend/enemy ]

Agathe and Flora met when Agathe was kicked out of college. They had similar interests and Flora offered Agathe a job, since she needed one at the time.


Maya [ best friends]

They were roomates and she can take a lot of credit teaching Agathe about morals, and yknow, things like that.