
2 years, 4 months ago


Spirit magnet


Name Silver
Age 16
Race Human
Sign Gemini
Power Spiritual attunement, psychic perception
Gender Male


  • Innocent
  • Oblivious
  • Abstract


  • Art
  • Reading
  • Telling stories

Silver wanders through life in a dreamlike haze, looking at things that no one else can see. His thoughts are abstract, connecting ideas and patterns in a surreal fashion. When he speaks them aloud, it is often without context and confusing to the people around him. He is usually quiet, speaking only when spoken to. When he does speak, it is with a soft monotone. He rarely changes expression. His unchanging face and dreamy demeanor can make him appear gloomy or strange.

While he is clever, Silver's intelligence tends to be buried under his strangeness and innocence. He's easy to mislead, and his friends often pull him into their jokes before he realizes it. Still, he does willingly play tricks of his own and help his friends plan theirs. His social circle is small, with only a handful of people that he considers true friends.

He can see the dead as clearly as he sees the living and often struggles to tell the difference. Spirits are drawn to him; his high spiritual awareness combined with limited control make him an easy target for possession. His friends try to protect him from the malevolent spirits, but there's little they can do if they aren't around him.


Silver was born with a powerful spiritual awareness. However, no one in his family had any similar ability. When he spoke with spirits as a child, his family believed that he was talking to imaginary friends. It wasn't until he got older that he started to learn that not everyone can see what he sees. Many of his peers saw him as strange for talking to things that weren't there. Because of this, his quiet nature, and abstract thoughts, he soon found himself isolated at school.

Because of his power, spirits are drawn to him. Some try to possess him; this, too, was written of as a childish game when he was younger. Silver is unaware of when he is possessed, usually thinking that he simply drifted off into a daydream. Without anyone to teach him to use his power, he has no defense against spirits. It's his tendency to be possessed that found him one of his first real friends, Terry.

The drama club

When he first entered high school, a brief possession incident caught the attention of Terry, a boy that can naturally repel spirits. Silver, under the control of a weak demonic entity, attempted to threaten his classmates. None of them were afraid of the spirit in the strange boy's body. They thought it was a joke or a prank by the drama club. When Terry approached, the possessed Silver lunged at him. The demon was ejected the moment Terry pushed Silver away, and Silver snapped back to normal. This was their first interaction. Terry thought it was hilarious.

Intrigued by Silver's sudden change of personality, and unaware of his own spirit-repelling abilities, Terry introduced his new friend to the drama club. Silver took an interest in how plays are put together. After a brief script read-through, where Silver's stoic face became unusully dynamic, he was invited to try acting. Silver joined the club and became something of the club's mascot. The club members, notably Terry's friends Philip and Damian, accepted his idiosyncracies quickly.

After learning about his trouble with spirits and discovering Terry's ability, Philip and Damian make sure to call Terry any time something happens.


  • Silver lives with his aunt. His mother travels for work, so he rarely sees her. He doesn't know his father.
  • He likes to draw and write stories. He often bases them on the spirits he talks to, so his work can get morbid.
  • None of his classmates are bothered by his possession episodes; most don't know that the possessions are real and nobody is afraid of him.
  • He is slowly learning how his power works, but he cannot turn it off. He has started to practice telekinesis but the the results are limited so far.
  • His psychic perception isn't limited to spirits; he can see residual psychic energy, though he doesn't fully grasp what it is.
  • He struggles to make friends, so he's very attached to his current group. Still, he often wonders if they like each other more than they like him and tends to keep his distance.
  • While his expression is usually stoic, he's quite playful. Terry will pull him into pranks often, but Silver initiates just as many.



Terry [ friend ]

A quick-witted and playful boy with a tendency to stir up trouble. He likes to play jokes on people and doesn't worry about the consequences. His ability to repel spirits has become invaluable to Silver.


Philip [ friend ]

A calm and refreshing empath. He's good at keeping his energetic friends in line, but he's not immune to their pranks. He's learned to roll with the punches and isn't usually bothered. People come to him whenever something happens with one of his friends.


Damian [ friend ]

A fiery boy that has unnaturally good luck, caused by brief unconscious glimpses into the future. Unfortunately, it's not always enough to keep him out of the trouble caused by Terry and Silver. He can be quick to anger, but he's also quick to cool down as long as no one gets hurt.