
2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


3,780 points




(the character's qualities and how they interact with others)

- Chaotic Neutral; As Seer of the passage of time, they can't help but be drawn to the feeling of being free. Whether it be letting the wild take back its territory, or seeing people slow down and live their lives without the hustle of constant work. Given this fact, they've made their place known in mortal realms as a reliable ethics counsellor and environmental adviser with an open-minded disposition. Cross them and their high-ranking position enough times though, and Cicada will not hesitate to feed these nuisances to the wolves, quite literally.

- Fish-eyed; Through a stranger's point of view, Cicada comes off as an emotionless, cryptic loner. Roaming the woods at night, rarely striking up a conversation, all the while with the same half-dead stare in his inverted eyes. He's just not great at interacting with new people and considers himself socially inept. It takes them a while to warm up to others, but when they do, they're very genuine and kindred with their words.

- Hush-Hush; According to many locals around where Cicada lives, they describe him as a very placid fellow when not angered, though he can come off as blunt or matter-of-factly. Not one to agitate easily, nor one to start arguments or fights. Cicada holds a calm and tranquil air to them - although they can often be seen looking a little melancholy or dead inside. Cicada tends to hide his emotions and bottle them up for fear of the public eye misreading his moments of stress as potential gossip; the usual treatment towards Seers.

- Nature's Wrath; With great power comes great responsibility. Cicada is open to criticism and feedback on their decisions and often welcomes a new perspective on issues they may not have considered. They tend to admit to mistakes and take great pride in learning from them. The townsfolk know not to take advantage of his vulnerabilities, though. He tolerates insults well, but crossing the line can get very... deadly. An incident years ago taught the townsfolk that provoking Cicada just for the sake of challenging him can result in dire consequences.

- DeliriumSleep is Cicada's priority. If at any point his sleep schedule is messed up, he gets grouchy and uncommunicative. His friends, on the other hand, get to see him go a little ape-shit sometimes, which is a treat to see. Townsfolk don't see him often on those days, and they know not to bother him either.

- Primevil Psyche; Primordial influence and godly powers had not been kind to Cicada's fragile mind. Their exceptional theurgy has fragmented their civil human nature; everything has its price, after all. Though Cicada may look and act docile and civilised most times, there are moments where their true ferality shines through. They can become distant, skittish, even hostile to people - including their loved ones. They tend to morph into a more animalistic version of themselves; either insectoid or completely feral.
As dangerous as they can be, Cicada won't seek others out with malice, but instead, they'll be drawn to the woods they live close to. As long as they're not provoked, they aren't of any danger to others. Cicada still retains their human nature somewhat and can recognise friends, so they rarely show much hostility to those they know well when approached. They even hang around their friends and find comfort in being around them.

(the character's physical characteristics and biological features)
- Fluid; Cicada's features are ever-changing with the seasons and with different emotions. Though human throughout summer, they can sprout fur or wings for insulation in colder months or turn aquatic and go for a swim during particularly hot droughts. Small changes such as hair length and style can change too.

- Ferality Incarnate; During periods in which Cicada turns 'feral' per se, they morph into something wilder. Oftentimes, they take the form of an insectoid cicada - usually one with black eyes and green chitinous skin, although they can have red eyes and black chitinous skin during periodical cicada season. No matter what form they take, Cicada will always retain more insectoid aspects than human ones. Common descriptions of this form include small antennae at the base of their brows, big eyes with no visible pupils or irises, scales covering their body as well as a noticeable hump on their back that supports their wings. They usually have two sets of barely human arms, bearing striking resemblance to cicada tarsi. They also bear an abdomen at the base of their spine. Their feet are clawed at the ends and look similar to their hands.
Another common form for them to take is of a fluffy ram the size of a moose, with giant curved horns and red or yellow eyes. They also bear moth-like antennae near their eyes, as well as six hooves instead of four. Two pairs of fluffy wings drape over Cicada's back, but he can't fly with them. His neck is slightly elongated to accommodate a pair of moth tarsi hidden under more fluff. The moth counterpart can be replaced by cicada characteristics sometimes.

- Crowned of Moonlight; An ever-present moon stays on top of their head, changing ever so slowly with the days. It places itself behind or above Cicada's head, but its imagery will always appear two-dimensional and unmoving no matter where one looks. If the moon is behind his head, no matter where a person turns, it will stay behind him - even if multiple people view him at once. It's a strange phenomena Cicada themselves cannot explain. The only times the moon on his head does not reflect the same patterns of the moon in the sky are when his arcane abilities are in use.

(the character's magical prowess or skills in using items and weapons, often beneficial in combat)

Timeless Being; Being a Vessel for Astrophel and a Seer under his domain, Cicada is essentially immortal. They still have the capacity to be injured, but they do not take damage as easily as mortals would. They also look youthful by default, unless they willingly shapeshift to look otherwise.

- Polymorph; CIcada can shapeshift any way they like. From giving themselves shorter hair to sprouting antlers, to even morphing into a giant beast; they seemingly have no limit. However, they tend to keep their iconic purple lunar motifs, inverted eyes, and long hair within every morph. Rabbits, moths and rams are common animal morphs, and it's not uncommon to see them roaming the wild as a large hybrid of the three. Even if they do morph into an exact copy of an animal, a big 'tell' on whether or not it's actually them is by locating the moon that floats above their head.

- Iatric Affliction; Cicada has a natural affinity for healing. Mostly towards himself, but curing others is not out of the ordinary. However, they lack control over their ability to heal, with it being more of an instinctive ability rather than one they have proper command over. If Cicada is injured, they heal over pretty quickly. However, if an injury is fatal enough or involves a foreign object being wedged into him, his body will instinctively over-heal himself, to the point of growing over the object, forming new appendages or even growing other life such as plants. Although it won't kill them, it does cause Cicada to go through more harm than good.

- Blood of Astrophel, Elusive Eminence; Being a vessel for Astrophel to project himself through, Cicada has been granted a fraction of the arcane that Astrophel holds. Seers are often powerful creatures and a force to be reckoned with - Cicada is no exception. He wields great knowledge in radiant magic and is well-versed in using illusionary spells to the point of distorting reality as he sees fit. Illusions such as fading himself in and out of sight are common, and so is changing the time of day.
- Blood of Astrophel, Gentle Repose; Another ability of theirs is to put others into a deep sleep. By doing this, Cicada can enter their dreams and mind - either to relay pertinent information or to gather secrets they may believe to be hidden from them. The target does not necessarily fall dead asleep, but rather, they freeze in place for a few moments while Cicada does what he needs to.
- Blood of Astrophel, Night Bind; Cicada also has a close connection to most nocturnal animals, such as moths, cats and owls. However, he has a special connection to cicadas - not surprising, given his name. When delivering a message to others, be it physically or in dreams, his messenger animals take the form of nocturnal animals, with or without cicada features. Sometimes, the animal may take the form of giant cicadas themselves. Apart from that, Cicada has a special bond with the insect they named themselves after and can communicate with them more effectively than the nocturnal animals they use for messengers, essentially using them as the listeners of the forests, even in their larval stages.

Extra Notes:
(miscellaneous notes which don't fit into other categories.)

- Village Prophet; They are regarded as The Circadian Augur by a lot of people. Only their friends and Astrophel call them Cicada.

- Circadian InfatuationTheir obsession with cicadas stemmed from their title, and when Astrophel made an off-hand remark about a cicada's foretold ability to predict the weather. Cicada now has a habit of wandering into the woods during the summer just to listen to them.

Background Information:
(a character's backstory and lore.)