


2 years, 8 months ago



Although this transient snake-man might seem rather alien to most of the world beyond Vol'dun, equipped with a voice that sounds something like Draconic filtered through radio static, Klauber doesn't actually stand out much from the rest of his kin at a glance.

A storm-touched warm grey hide patterned with umber diamonds would identify the direction of his bloodline; while a row of small sharp scales cresting each fiery amber eye, a divot taken out of the left side of his hood, and a pair of chunky fangs that don't always retract properly are amongst those unique features that one familiar with sethrak might be able to spot. He's also a bit taller than average, even eclipsing some trolls when stretched to his full height of 8'4", but his serpentine body naturally reclines to about eight feet.

The solid musculature of a physical combatant supplements his otherwise slender frame, shaping a silhouette that might look a bit top-heavy. His blunt-snouted head twitches and swivels often enough to indicate an alertness bordering on paranoia, pinkish forked tongue and rattle-tipped tail following a similar range of motion. His usual outfit consists of loose-fitting ebon pants and belt with a deep azure cummerbund, brown handwraps and sash, while dark green gems encased in silver adorn his wrists and waist. A smallish leather pouch is usually tied to his belt, and a large two-handed mace is strapped to his back whenever such a tool might be needed.


Klauber's most obvious flaws are paranoia, restlessness, and destructiveness; yet when not ignited by rage, they allow his positive traits to shine brighter on most days. He is vigilant, persistant, and industrious - making him an excellent guard or laborer.

To avoid destroying things out of boredom, he will often tap or drum on them instead, which also helps him focus. He's also taken to collecting actual drums and other percussion instruments, becoming fairly skilled at keeping a beat and enjoying the music as well.

While he is considered attractive by sethrak standards and bears no ill will towards any particular race (beyond the Faithless) Klauber is relatively clueless when it comes to the intricacies of socialization, keeps many secrets locked away, and believes that actions speak louder than words.

Although many do not care for his superstitious habit of haphazardly painting/carving runes everywhere, he claims this is to ensure his safety, power, and fortune.


After an especially tumultuous journey as an egg, Klauber hatched with one sister and a bit of emotional instability. He helped his family with milling until both siblings were drafted into the Faithless Army, where he was utilized as an enforcer due to his strength. Klauber would eventually tire of being abused by his superiors and trapped a high-ranking general in a slave pen, where he'd be overcome by angry vulpera. The fatal prank would unfortunately earn him a death sentence once the general's body was discovered. Klauber attepted to flee to the other side of Vol'dun, befriending a Zandalari shaman who convinced him to atone at the Temple of Akunda. He briefly gained faith in the Loa and tapped into his natural power as he shed the weight of many of negative memories. He even picked up drumming as a hobby, finding the percussive stimulation a good way to quell his destructive tendencies. Faithless assassins eventually tracked him to the area, murdering his troll friend due to her association and unwillingness to betray him by divulging his current location.

Upon discovering the shaman's body, Klauber realized that he would never be safe on this continent and swiftly fled Zandalar to avoid endangering anyone else. Bribing a Horde transport vessel to let him ride along on a routine trip to Kul Tiras, Klauber set out to find another ship bound for distant lands. As he wasn't willing to risk a hostile interaction and possible deportation, he resolved to stow away for as long as possible. He decided a large merchant ship would be ideal but didn't have time to ascertain its final destination aside from 'south'. For what felt like months, he lived inside a large crate meant to house a few serpents and only emerged at night. At some point the ship had finally docked, and a portion of their cargo - including the crate Klauber had been hiding in - was shuffled offshore. He waited until no one was around, sprang from his crate, grabbed some unguarded supplies from another, and slithered towards the nearest settlement - a sprawling industrial city, where he could start anew. Little did the sethrak know, Fission Heights was on the cusp of a zombie apocalypse...

