Cadeyrn Augustine ☆



8 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Cadeyrn Augustine


Looks 26 | Hundreds of thousands of years old



date of birth

December 2



relationship status



Royal Demon | Highest Court




the bitchy and feminine devil himself

| Name |

Cadeyrn or "The Devil"

| Age |

Looks 26 (is actually thousands of years old)

| Gender |


| Height / Weight |

6'1" / 167 lbs

| Birth Date |

December 2

| Species |

Royal Demon

Highest form of demon out there, can grow to be extremely powerful over age and are extremely rare to find. Cadeyrn was one of the first of his species and was labeled as "The Devil" for his outstanding power and how he used it.

| Powers |

Almost endless what he can do, but is subjected to magic breaking spells or magic binding weapons which are common in his world.

Every year on his birthday he looses all his powers for five hours and is almost completely useless, then slowly regains them through out the week until he is normal again. Caderyrn is extremely weak during this time and usually can barely keep awake.

Gets burned by things that are seen as the most innocent. Godly or pure things hurt him immensely and he usually can't use his own magic on them.

| Likes / Dislikes |

▷ Cooking is a passion of Cadeyrns
▷ Things that are seen as pure or pure minded people
▷ Changing peoples looks or "improving them"
▷ Teasing others
▷ Getting attention
▶ Real work: He does work very well, but he absolutely hates every minute of it
▶ People that try to be more superior then himself
▶ The actual feeling or idea of real "love"
▶ Informal wear: You will never see him in baggy clothing
▶ Fighting for no reason
| Personality |

◄ Arrogant ■ Curious ■ Hard-worker ■ Flirtatious ■ Feminine ■ Insensitive ►

Cadeyrn is not a favorite of most people that meet him. He is truly the definition of The Devil, conniving and only doing things for his own gain. After living such a long life already, he just is living for fun and games now. Playing with people is one of his favorite past-times and he usually has no concern for other peoples feelings unless they include himself.

He loves to see how certain people will react to situations and the more reaction the better. Cadeyrn spends a long time on his appearance and tend to flaunt it when he can; he is extremely confident in his looks and abilities. He tends to lean more to the feminine side of things although he has a very dominate personality. 

He hates love but he feels it very hard when it does happen; Cadeyrn becomes a lot softer of a person, but nobody believes that. Pure minded people intrigue him, he would never hurt them directly (he even helps them sometimes) but he may use them to hurt somebody else.
| History |

Cadeyrn has lived for the longest time, don't bring that up with him though. He created the mansion nightclub out of pure boredom and now enjoys his life there in the penthouse with his only staff, Tahl. 

Tahl was near death so Cadeyrn changed her outcomes and brought her to the nightclub to work since she had great potential in his eyes.
| Sexual Orientation |


| Relationships |

Coming Soon!

| Extra |

▸ He has a son named Seager Watts
▸ His inner thighs are his ultimate weakness
▸ He adores gold and gold piercings
▸ His ponytail floats behind him as if its underwater
▸ Despite being the infamous Devil, Cadeyrn generally is easy to break emotionally due to his paranoia with certain subjects 
▸ Probably how he walks normally