Tadano Skyli



2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




Male, Man






Eliska Skyli (Wife), Haida Skyli (Eldest son), Kai Skyli (Youngest son), Kia Skyli (Only daughter)



Hair Color

Black-ish blue

Eye Color

Lime green


Sharp items, rocks, chickens, flowers, tomatoes


Assassins, water, salt, elves


[I need to draw an updated version of him, I will update this with at most 5 drawings of him for reference]


Tadano grew up poor in a village set in the South Plains kingdom. His parents held a business for bread making, having just enough customers to eat dinner and keep their home. By the time Tadano was 15, his parents had taught him everything when it came to bread making, which becomes useful because his parents fell ill when he was about 16. He would operate the business all on his own, having only one other person helping him, a good friend that he hired to make sure the business doesn't fall. One day, after Tadano turned 19, a woman in a cloak that was made of high quality material approached the bread making establishment. She knew nothing about how exchanging money for goods worked, so Tadano would help the woman on how money works. She came back the next day, then the next, then the next, and then so on. The two got to know each other, and every time Tadano got to take a break, he would spend his time with the woman. 

This woman was Eliska. 

After a while, the two were madly in love and by this time, so they were thinking of marriage. The tradition was to ask both sets of parents for permission to marry, except, Tadano's parents have passed just a couple of years ago, and Eliska doesn't have any parents she knows of, just her guardian. Tadano begs Eliska's guardian to marry her, which was extremely difficult due to Eliska being a hybrid child raised in the hybrid house, which is basically royalty. Eliska's guardian allows them to marry with rules, that she will live in a luxurious home away from people in the woods and must attend royal events. Tadano and Eliska have a lovely private wedding and move into a small cottage in the woods where they eventually have their 3 children Haida, Kai, and Kia. 

They all lived happily until assassins came to kill his wife and his children for having creature blood. The assassins successfully killed Eliska and without Tadano noticing, his twins ran away. The entire time they were running away, he was begging for the assassins to let Haida live.

Ever since then, he's been living with Haida and hiking up the big mountain nearby to clear his mind. Except Tadano would be gone for days, weeks even. Leaving Haida all on his own.