Kira Iranisen



6 years, 6 months ago


Athletic, energetic, hyperactive, fearless and popular. Although often challenged by others in an attempt to take her so-called "Throne". Fortunately for Kira, her winning comes from incredible luck and consistent training, so she tends to win quite effortlessly. This can make her quite naive and immature and takes things easily for granted.  So although popular, this gives her only a small circle of friends. The friends she has however, she loves very dearly and is grateful for each and one of them for their love and support! They really love her too, although they sometimes worry for her impulsivity and recklessness.. ( ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)

Her favorite way of flying, is upwards as high as she possibly can and then drop back to Earth, to the very last bit, until she finally has to use her wings to brake to avoid serious injury. She loves to compete with others to see who can fly the fastest or highest! Therefore, she gets very excited about those who can compete on a similar level. If they win or tie against her, they also usually win her heart, as it fires her up to reach even higher!   

She gets restless and fidgety very easily, and has no patience for those that likes to take it easy. Sometimes it's exactly what she needs though, as she sometimes forget that rest is also important! Her cousin, Mixie, is very prone to remind her of this. This has created a sort of love-hate bond between them, where Kira deeply cares for Mixie, but has very little tolerance to Mixie's disinterest in active play.

Kira has a deeper, yet sentimental love for gems, as her father used to teach her about them before he passed. However, she also has a superficial love for them due to their beauty, especially those that sparkle a bit extra in the sun! Because of this, sometimes when she is far above the clouds, where the sun shines the brightest, she takes a bit of extra time to examine the gems that she sometimes bring with her.