
Another little western character who I've had conceptualized for years now! It's about time she gets a dang design pffft, she's so damn cute. I love her. I also have another design idea in mind for her?? Like a second look after story event progression where she gets a bit more... badass I guess? Still cute but like, she definitely leans harder into the gunslinger look. Good stuff, I'll have to draw her like that at some point. Give her an alt. outfit and hairstyle to draw her in. Funsies.

Anyways!! I'm going to code her profile as well once I get the motivation haha. Not sure when that'll be, but uhhh take some info until then!

Winnie is the daughter of an ex-outlaw! He used to be part of an infamous gang, running around and terrorizing citizens with his other gang members. However, after falling for a sherrif's daughter, he decided to clean up his ways. He turned himself in, riding out a shortened sentence due to his openness, and once he got out he married and settled as the owner of a saloon in town. He has struggled to upkeep his reputation, always staying perfect in the eye of public scrutiny. He has succeeded thus far, and his saloon has become the talk of the town. Nowadays, Winnie works as a barmaid in that saloon! She often runs other errands outside of the place as well, but she mainly serves drinks (and sometimes makes them when her father's busy.) She also often provides entertainment at times through singing, and has become rather popular as a result. While this life is nice, Winnie has always found herself wanting... more. She's not entirely sure what, but she's always loved the idea of finding adventure. Perhaps, she could even become as renowned as her father! Much to his dismay, of course.

At first glance, Winnie is very kind, gentle, polite, and proper. She's on the softspoken end, but that doesn't negate her overwhelming warmth and friendliness. She knows how to handle herself in conversation, and is sure to make a lasting impression on anyone she meets! She keeps a very open and understanding mind for all, and is willing to give everyone a chance. However, her easy-to-swallow pleasantries are only the very surface of her as a person. Digging deeper down, Winnie is an adventurous dreamer. She has a very idealistic and ambitious outlook on life and the world around her. She sees the land as a realm of opportunities, one that she's desperate to grasp with all her might. She's determined and hardworking, doing her best to make her dreams become reality. While she may come off as softspoken, she's not incapable of standing up for herself and others. If she sees something she finds unjust, she won't hesitate to call it out. She's actually shockingly prone to getting into conflict due to her strong beliefs and her desire to say something about them. However, when she bites off more than she can chew, she always keeps a backup plan. She is a very quick and resourceful thinker, able to plan out and execute strategies with relative ease. Or, if she absolutely must, she knows full well how to use the shotgun behind the bar counter, and isn't afraid to make that known.

However, Winnie has her flaws as well. While her openness may make it easier for her to socialize, she can also be manipulated rather easily. She doesn't often think about possible bad intentions, to say the least. She also puts way too much faith into her own idealistic interpretations of the world. She's optimistic to a fault, often pushing herself to the brink to stay positive. However, if things don't go the way she was anticipating for long enough, it's easy for her to get discouraged. More often than not, this couples with a shockingly stubborn streak in her. She often won't take no for an answer, and is prone to pushing things to the breaking point. Both of these traits can combine and cause her significant difficulty. Due to her constant push with her optimism, she has a surprising amount of emotional turmoil bubbling under the surface and waiting to burst. She is a master of repression, for better or for worse (mainly worse), and while she's always happy to help others with their issues, she's never open about her own. Thus, when she hits her breaking points, it can happen very explosively (though she always feels horrible and apologizes after!) One of the many things giving her turmoil is the reputation she's forced to uphold. She is held to a constant standard of perfection to please the town she's in. If she steps out of line, she knows that they would use it against her father and his establishment. It annoys her to no end, and she desperately craves the ability to live the way she wants to with no fear. However, she knows that this desire is immature at heart, which just hurts her further. Nevertheless, the little dreamer is far from shelving her desires forever. She knows she'll get her chance, and she'll keep working and improving until she gets there!

And some facts!

  • She stands at around 4'10" without her heels, and 5'0" with her heels.
  • Her handkerchief/bandana is a special piece to her. It contains a colorful strip from her father's favorite old saddle blanket. She wears it in a variety of ways, though its most common usage (at least in her initial appearance) is as a ribbon to hold part of her hair up in a bun!
  • Her right eye is made of glass! She lost it in a break-in when she was a child, when a drunk ex-patron came and attacked the place, taking her eye as well as her mother's life. She still has fearful memories and nightmares about this event, but overall she's repressed almost the entirety of it. This event is also what gave her the scar through her eyebrow.
  • She really loves cooking and needlework, and often partakes in both when she gets the chance!
  • She loves making quilts a lot! Her favorites are made from handkerchiefs as the squares and a few saddle blankets as the backing. They're just very creative!
  • She seems to collect handkerchiefs. She has many in different varieties and colors, and seem sto have at least three on her at all times.
  • While she typically dresses in more dainty, feminine fashion, she is far from opposed to dressing in more masculine and rugged fashion! In fact, she quite enjoys the idea of it!
  • Her favorite flavor is that of honey! She loves anything and everything to do with honey, and would eat the stuff plain if she could.
  • Alongside her singing ability, she learned how to play the guitar as well. She's quite good at it, and really loves coming up with songs!
  • While she doesn't have a horse of her own yet (nowhere to really keep it at the saloon, not a lot of time to care for it), she's always really wanted to raise one. In an idyllic world, she would absolutely love one.
  • When she gets strong emotions (no matter what they are), her immediate first coping strategy is playing with her hair. This is why she keeps longer strands so close to her face/shoulders: so she has easier access to play with it.
  • As embarrassed as she is to admit it, she is absolutely terrified of most bugs. The only ones that don't terrify her entirely are butterflies, fireflies, dragonflies, ladybugs, and worms. Stink bugs especially are the bane of her existence.
  • She loves listening to and recounting stories she knows from her father's infamous escapades. She loves the idea of having such an adventure herself and being able to recount her tales for years to come, but she hasn't been able to leave to do that quite yet.
  • She has a very close relationship with her father! Admittedly at first, at least when she was younger, she was much closer to her mother. However, after her passing, her and her father realized they were all each other had, and thus they grew a ton closer. She gained a lot of respect for him after the fact, as it was then that she truly learned of his past and the places he went to improve.
  • While she looks rather dainty and fragile, she's more than capable of defending herself. She knows how to work most guns, and while on the job at the saloon she has full reign of the shotgun behind the bar if she needs it. Later on in her life, she also ends up picking up dual revolvers that she's quite proficient in.
  • She's not opposed to the idea of becoming an outlaw one day. She thinks that the adventures she could have would be incredible, and she likes the idea of the change of pace. However, she's not sure if she would really be cut out for that walk of life, and she worries that it would leave a bad impression for her father to deal with.
  • More later! I'm sure I have more, they just don't want to come to mind pffft,,