Aaron Hayes



2 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info




Male (He/Him)


Elementary School Student/Demon Hunter

Weapon, Powers

Custom made yo-yo, Pyrokinesis/Telekinesis


Getting attention, salmon croquettes


Being ignored, creepy-looking bugs


"Destructive Goodwill" - Daisuke Ishiwatari


Aaron was lonely at first. He wasn't able to make a lot of friends in school due to how "weird" he was with the other kids. Any attempt to make a friend either led to being ostracized or laughed at any time he tried to impress anyone. His home wasn't helpful either since his dad would only sleep during the day and go to work at night, and his brother would be cooped up in his room or hanging out with his friends every weekend. It was driving him nuts on how secretive Marcus was until he snook out of the house one Friday evening following up behind him. He was scolded for being reckless with his safety until a large bug-like creature rose behind his brother. It could've been over for him if it weren't for a mysterious lady slicing it down to pieces and a sudden burst of fire coming from his fingertips to land the final blow. He's got a lot to learn with his newfound pyrokinetic powers, but in the meantime, he'll bounce at every opportunity to hang out with his newfound friends. They're much cooler anyways!

Being the baby of the bunch in Marcus' group, he's not allowed to fight as much as they do since he's very vulnerable at close range. He's pretty much their "backup" in case they need some fireworks to go off. He's great at handling weaker demons and excels in long-range and handling demons weak to fire. His powers can run out if he relies too much on them, giving him nosebleeds if he tries to exert himself.