
6 years, 6 months ago




Obtained: Info Here
Status: Active; Main
Worth: $999
Notes: Blue eyes rather than red.
Creator: Jayden

Layout by Jayden   •   Image by Unknown


adjective • adjective • adjective
Name Mikaela Birthdate May 1
Age Old Zodiac Scorpio
Gender Male Orientation Unknown
Species Vampire Voice Kenshō Ono
Relationship In love Song Song Link
Alignment Neutral Good MBTI ENTP

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Ikthi is a powerful merboy, specifically one of the deep. His mystical powers stem from his heritage of dragons, allowing him to call upon his draconic ancestors to unleash fearsome, possibly cataclysmic attacks. Because he is self aware of the dangers he presents, he lives a lonely life in the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean.

Even though he is very reclusive, he does not mind socializing with those who respect him, not as a fearsome being, but simply as a boy. If one gets on his good side, his personality can show itself as sweet, caring, and even nurturing.

Usually, if you are able to find him, he can be seen meditating, pondering upon the mysteries of our world and those beyond it. If he isn't meditating, he is probably searching for pretty rocks, minerals, and shells to add to his collection.

Despite his draconic heritage, he has a pastel colorization. This is due to the lack of sunlight he gets from resting in the darkest areas of the deep sea. Otherwise, he'd be covered in brilliant shades of magenta and turquoise.