Gloria Sichre



6 years, 11 months ago


new dnd character! im just gonna copy paste the char page desc

Her great great great grandmother was a rich necromancer in a small town who was obsessed with progress. Her family was regularly abused by the other rich families, because her father was mute and her mother had severe social anxiety. She and her six siblings developed a hatred for their neighbors which influenced her ideology later in life. She began taking lessons in necromancy from a mysterious "family friend", and used her new dark powers to influence her neighbors. Soon her parents were at the top of the food chain, but Ulcis Sichre had created a system of fear which her parents hated her for. By the time they died, when Ulcis was 25, she had already become too interconnected with dark forces to undo what she had created. The other families attempted to flee the town- some died in the process.

By this time her exploits in manipulating her town had become well-known among the nearby necromancer community (hopefully a thing) and they began flocking to the rather empty town to learn Ulcis' secrets. At the age of 42 Ulcis began plans to raise her family's power to an otherworldly level. She sacrificed her life to turn herself into a link between the material world and the afterlife. By feeding magical and life energy to their Mother in the world of the dead, Ulcis became a sort of otherworldy lich, and with an entire community siphoning her more power, she began approaching godlike power as an recognizable humanity, even in the afterlife, faded away.

Fast-forward 200 years, and Ulcis' great great great granddaughter, Gloria, has been taught from a young age the secrets of her family. Proficient in both alchemy and an array of magics, she is the pride of her family. But as she comes of age, she must set out on her dark mission, as her ancestors did before her- to harvest power for her grandmother. And considering her impressive array of abilities, Ulcis might have special intentions for her precious grandchild- to bring a power into the world not seen since 200 years ago.