[08] Rhea Yoko



6 years, 7 months ago




♀ Rhea Yoko • Teenage • Gemini • Taken
Created by Tenshilove on oct. xx 2017  

Dynamic, Many talents, likes games, two faced, mischievous.
Rhea is a  bit of a cluts and seems to be bad at everything she tries, so she  stopped trying things. She is pretty inactive and apathetic but she  likes games and media and eating junk food. she gets really excited  about things like roller-coasters and collectables and can be adorable in  that way. Rhea enjoys playing basketball on her own but is very bad at  it, hilariously so, but she has fun with it.

Honey and Lemon are  Rhea's best friends. Honey is super sassy and tries to get Rhea to stand  up for herself more. She hates that Rhea has a low self esteem and is  always trying to lift her up. Lemon is a very lovey dovey friend that  sometimes is a little too affectionate but Rhea doesn't mind. She likes  to cuddle and hug on her friends and they are always together. Rhea can  sometimes convince the two to play basketball with her but it usually  ends in someone getting hit with the ball! oops!




  • Sports, Basketball specifically
  • Outdoors
  • Getting gussied up
  • Dogs
  • Junk food
  • Comfy clothes


X Dislikes


  • Responsibility
  • Men
  • Cold weather
  • The News
  • Mornings
  • Sour or bitter flavors


  • A bit of a trickster, Rhea will often put on an act to get what she wants or set up a joke, but she rarely does this maliciously.
  • Rhea is headstrong and determined, and its hard to keep her down.

Cream [ rachelneko ] ♫ Honey and Lemon [ crimsoncommande ] ♫ Persephone [ Tenshilove ] ♫ Luxray [ Tenshilove }