[TBND] alfr bard



2 years, 4 months ago


A hotheaded and fierce alfr.

He was kidnapped as a youth (and his adoptive family slaughtered) before his latent memories as a tianhunren could properly crystallize, and for a long time he did not know who or what he was, or where he came from. The raiders who abducted him eventually sold him into servitude as a pit fighter, where he found himself fighting for his life over and over again.

Although the violence and cruelty in the pits revulsed him, he had no choice but to take on whichever challengers presented themselves for combat. He proved to be a quick study, both in the martial schools and amid the dust and blood of the arena—this, combined with his formidable natural strength, meant that he quickly climbed to the top of the pit rankings. As few xinlingren fighters were willing to go up against him, he eventually found himself fighting would-be champions as a final challenge of sorts, or pitted against monstrous creatures that his raw power alone could not overcome.

To the great annoyance of the arena masters, he tried his best to conduct himself honorably, showing mercy whenever he could and befriending the gladiators who he trained alongside with. However, even as he hated the pits he began to find pleasure and a grim sort of joy in the struggle and challenge of combat, the euphoria of overcoming a foe, the absolute thrill of extricating oneself from certain defeat and turning the tables on an opponent.

He was eventually set free, his contract bought out and voided by an unknown benefactor. Free of the pits but bereft of the structure and purpose (twisted as they were) they offered, he wandered from world to world for a while, a drifter seeking to uncover the mysteries of his past. He discovered some measure of solace in music and storytelling, making a name for himself as a bard and courier, sometimes going out of his way to right wrongs and to help the people of the settlements he visited.