Katt's Comments

I love love love this Oc and I would love to adopt them!

Reasons: I love the design, specifically the three eyes on this character! I don’t often like many eyes on ocs but for this design it’s amazing!
My favo color is blue and that hair is completely darling! I love the short bob and the tie that seems to be holding the hair up! Or maybe it’s even just a bandana!

I also adore Anthros that have clothes and I’ve never drawn a top like hers before and oh my gosh I have so many ideas to draw for it!!!!

That lip peircing!!!! Oh my god I don’t have any characters with a lip piercing and it is absolutely darling on her!!!

Next and last lol I LOVE that long tail! Long tails are honestly the best thing you can add to your oc in my opinion!

Conclusion, I really, REALLY love her design lol

What would I do with this character?:

First off, I would name her Kitt because I think it totally fits her and she would rock that name lol

Sexond, I have plenty of ocs that I think would be her friends!

Casper : they would go on chaotic rants to each other about the color blue and how they both adore it obviously

Izumi : They would totally talk about fashion together and constantly talk about all the things they could wear together and swap clothes

Poppy: hyper energy compared to royal calm energy lol

Tbn: not exactly enemies but totally rivals because tbn is more of punk rock while Kitt would be more of a glam girl I think lol

Next: I LOVE making little gifs for my characters and I can totally imagine her sticking her tongue out in a very “you’re so annoying but I like the attention” kind of way.

I can also imagine her in an imagine, “papering herself” like doing her hair or nails or something

Anyway! I don’t want to talk your ear off any longer lol so thank you so much for the opportunity and if things work out omg! And if they don’t thank you so much anyway!!!