


2 years, 5 months ago


first of her kind AND just some guy. breaking boundaries here

the first angel to ever get cast out from thule's respite BY thule, her expulsion a real butchershop show due to a mix of the arch-being's lack of experience and the rage/betrayal/grief which overwhelmed them and pushed them to carry out the expulsion in the first place (tearing one of her wings off her back and shattered her halo into bits rather than the cold, clinical process of fluisau, the god DEDICATED to such grim work and also coincidentally the god which maycourt was an angel under). lost all her memory of that time beyond vague flashes as a result, takes up work as resident creepy doctor in a tiny village bordering the forest she first woke up in- was always fascinated by humanity and the way the body functioned as an angel, that translating over to a clinical curiosity that helped a ton with her work. a thing of rumor and mystery which slowly settles into a neat niche that none of the townspeople really Question, able to stick around for multiple generations without causing any sort of trouble because she was recognized as helpful despite her oddities.

struggles a lot with impulses from a life she cannot remember, incredibly prone to lashing out at others when she feels vulnerable or frightened for a long time (sudden flashes of violence without cause, the urge to hurt people in order to protect herself that she cannot explain that frightens her more than any sort of outside threat)- turns further inwards and isolates from townspeople even more as a result, finding comfort and safety in the persona as the clearly not human doctor to be both respected and walked around carefully that keeps people distant enough that they don't frighten her as much. REALLY values her privacy, one part out of disgust for her clearly different body (does not know what she is but does understand she is far from human) and one part another form of defense.

eventually ends up leaving her tiny little village to travel with a wandering band of monster hunters/general do-gooders lead by PAVEL "PASHA" IGNATIEV and FOX BURROWS (a whole long winded explanation behind that but basically maycourt stitched burrows back together after he was the chewtoy of a beast in the forest the party was hunting and somehow got talked into coming along and seeing the sights of the world by pasha- agreed to do so on a rare act of impulse lol), leading into the part of her life where maycourt slowly slowly learns to form actual connections with people and stop defining herself solely by her Strange Unknown Past so she can start living her life. that clinical curiosity for the functioning of bodies and the nature of people slowly transforms into a genuine love of humanity and all their little quirks, her constant grief over what her life she cannot remember must have been turning to a small, tucked away appreciation that whatever she was before, NOW she gets to live with and love these strange people who love and accept her too. still a private, reserved person and still resorts to violence when backed into a corner and thinking she has no other choice, but its a time where maycourt grows and learns a lot.

maycourt travels with them for a couple years before deciding to drop away and strike out into the world on her own as a traveling doctor to see the sights completely on her own- still keeps in touch with the band on occasion, still on friendly terms. eventually runs into fellow wanderer RABBIT, saves their life, and lets them tag along with her for two years before the two settle down in a different tiny little village and get a house together with maycourt acting as town doctor once more (the mutual desire for normalcy and companionship the cause for the start of their relationship, maycourt proposing to rabbit like a month and a half into it) and eventually takes in the kid of a patient who died named FOXGLOVES. rabbit outskis after a couple more months without a single explanation, leaving maycourt to raise foxgloves alone and without any sort of closure. basically where the main meat of her story draws to a close, the rest of her life occupied with raising foxgloves and playing doctor lol

some fun facts:
  • loves gambling and especially blackjack (was taught by burrows as an easy way to socialize with strangers), mimics people's poker faces under her mask but is very shitty at it
  • some of the rumors in the first village she lived in about who she was were:
    - med school student who got expelled for digging up graves/experimenting on other students/poisoning a professor- depends on who you're asking for the gritty details
    - wizard who twisted up her body into a strange new form via failed spell who was hiding away out of shame
    - mass murderer on the run
    - cast down angel (THIS one is a little weird. existed only in the timeline pre thule retroactively rewriting reality to make it so an angel's physicality was directly tied to their hearts and that all cast down angels had their hearts removed/eaten so they existed more as spirits than the extreme social outcasts that they were perceived as in said pre timeline. in the timeline post that thule was too overcome with grief to eat maycourt's heart and thus none of the villagers even suspect her as a cast down angel bc she is still a physical being capable of walking around and touching things)
  • incredibly awful at cooking, luckily does not need to eat
  • was cast down for underhand warcrimes which were then struck from all records of holy history by thule. some angels still talk about her (thule threatening the same violent fate upon any holy being which visits her to deter any sort of tampering with their greatest mistake)
  • besties with burrows <3