Raina Kall (Madness)



2 years, 3 months ago


a Look in



the screamer

5'02" (157 cm)
Cis Woman (She/Her)
Hitman, Deimos Stand In, Engineer, Weapons Expert
Voice Claim:
Once a normal kid, now turned half grunt half betrayer freak, this chick really doesn't care about anything other than veggin' out and making new machines to fuck with her friends!
- God I think

82150980_TH5h3a59ifikPvd.pngRaina is a young adult that's spent too much of her life just trying to make it through the day. You'd think this would've turned her into a sour, ultra serious, no nonsense kind of gal, however, she's anything but. Her love of chilling out and taking things easy makes her quite the affable coworker; nothing really phases her. Combine that with her drive to engineer entire new vessels of weaponry, and she's quite the asset to have working for you.


Raina is an ultra laid back kind of gal, as she desires nothing more than to just be in a constant of "going with the flow." It's hard to get her angry, or upset really, over anything, though it is easy to rile her up and get her to be loud and aggressive- in a playful way. She's already lived a life of torture, so why would she want to continue feeling miserable? Raina's priorities are square in the court of zen. In addition, she possesses genius level intellect, yet no one would be able to guess this was the case with her. She deliberately acts much stupider than she actually is. Why? Simple: she thinks its funny.

Due to this "chill as hell" attitude of hers, she's very much well liked amongst her coworkers, and could be considered to be the glue that keeps them all held together. Though, her wholly relaxed nature has proven to be a bit of a problem...mainly in that Raina seems to lack any sense of fear. One may consider this to be a good thing, but having to be rescued out of a number of near death scenarios, caused by her own lack of care for the severity of the situation, proves to be a major flaw that's holding her back from peak performance.

Powers and Abilities

Raina's main claim to fame is possessing the ability to teleport wherever she please. This ability is most often utilized in combat scenarios, where dodging hits and traps makes her a force to be reckoned with. It should be noted, she can't teleport forever- she has to take a break at some point to let her brain "cool off", or else run the risk of triggering a seizure.

In addition to the teleportation, Raina possesses the same abilities as those of The Betrayers. Thing is, she almost never puts them to use. Though she isn't certain, Raina has a bad feeling that tapping into her artificially engineered "romp side" may make her susceptible to being absorbed into the possible Betrayer hive mind, and, while she doesn't exactly fear this possibility, she would much rather keep her cognizance as free as it currently is.

Aside from those, Raina wields the kind of strength you'd expect of someone who's job is killing people, as well as being an expert marksman. It's certainly going to hurt like hell if she punches you, but she truly shines with her gun skills.



Like Bank, Raina was born right before Nevada went to absolute Hell. For a while, Raina and her family were doing well enough surviving through the early years of Nevada's newfound apocalypse state. However, one by one, her family members would be killed off, through random incidents. Eventually, around the time she turned 11, Raina was the only surviving member of her family, and she was, as you can imagine, incredibly distraught about it. Confused on what to do now that she was alone in the world, the only thing she could think of was making her way to a site inhabited by the Agency, since she knew there would at least be adults there.

Obviously, the Agency didn't hire her; she was just a tween, afterall. However, the site she found herself at was in need of test subjects for a new series of experiments they were conducting, and it wasn't like a kid was going to survive for very long out in the wilds anyway. So, they decided to take her in as fodder. There, she would be subjected to various experiments that were meant to test a new idea some scientists had been brewing; Maybe there was a way to turn Nevadeans into ultra powerful, supernaturally gifted entities, by somehow harnessing the powers of places and entities from beyond Nevada (ie. The Other Place, Dissonance, The Betrayers?) Which would certainly beef up their soldiers, if they were able to figure it out.

So, the subjects of these experiments, including Raina, would be taken through the ringer in order to try and manipulate their bodies into becoming capable of wielding supernatural abilities. Though many of these early attempts were unsuccessful, by the time Raina was registered into the experiment, the scientists running them had finally broke through the initial troubles they were having, and were at a place where some of the experiment subjects were surviving, and were displaying abilities they had not wielded before. So Raina's chances of survival/success was pretty assured.

Trying to warp the body in order to make it capable of unnatural powers involved rather invasive testing, and Raina was subject to all of it. She would eventually make it through the initial prep stages, which involved such things as; A couple of brain surgeries, multiple DNA splicing procedures, multiple rounds of injections with various substances, etc, etc...But eventually, she made it out alive. Though, her physical body had been warped as a result of her genetic material having been spliced with that of DNA samples from the The Betrayers.

Raina showed pretty promising results; the scientists in charge of her had been experimenting with potential ways of engineering grunts into being able to teleport, and they had managed to figure it out with Raina. She was teleporting! It was very uncontrolled, and she seemed to have developed some sort of seizure disorder as a result of the signal misfirings occurring in her brain when she did so, but kinks like those were to be expected, and they were working on ironing them out. Unfortunately for them, one day, a false alarm had been called on the facility Raina was stuck in, and she seized the opportunity. Raina managed to teleport herself outside of the perimeter of the building. Once she had escaped, she booked it into the wasteland. By now she was around 14, and she was determined to ensure her survival without relying on any outside help, since her first attempt at relying on someone resulted in her getting turned into a science experiment.

So, Raina worked very hard on developing her survival skills, and learned how to make do for herself out in the wastelands. She'd picked up some skills from some of her fellow experiment prisoners, and had internalized a lot of the academic information she'd been exposed to from the scientists around her, so she spent a lot of her time split between honing her abilities to survive in the apocalypse, as well as nurturing her newfound interest in science and engineering.

Not much else happened in her life for a while, as she was just busy surviving and learning, but by the time she turned 18, Raina had come across a little group of people that called themselves "W.M.S.Q." and at this point, she figured she could make a more educated judgement on who she could trust; she joined their little faction and became a hitman for them. And they treated her very well! So she stayed with them, and that's where she's at currently.

She's a fantastic worker, a very skilled marksman, and extremely gifted in the engineering department, having gotten so good at her craft that she's just straight up inventing her own specialized weapons to use, all for herself. She's learned how to use her teleportation powers to maximum effectiveness in combat situations, as well as whatever the hell it is that her weird romp abilities allow her to do. She's a very laid back type of guy in spite of the horrors she bore at a young age. In fact, due to them, she has no sense of fear left in her! Which has been proving to be a difficulty for her, but, yanno, everyone's gotta struggle with something.

Weapons Used

  • Lazer Guns: Kills: 35


  • She has ADHD Combined Type!
  • Whenever she teleports, Raina briefly slips into the Betrayer side of herself. This hasn't proven to be of issue yet, but you never know!
  • Speaking of being part romp, Raina does in fact possess the romp trademark mustache! It's incredibly itchy so she just constantly shaves it off.
  • When she's not busy tinkering away at a new homemade weapon, you'll usually find Raina zoning out hardcore to fighting games. In fact, she has an extensive collection of video games, and is somehow always hunting down working copies of games she didn't own before Nevada went to hell.