


2 years, 5 months ago


A Keychain-Rua!

Despite being itty-bitty, he likes to bite and stab and kill! Because he’s evil and tiny! Rumor has it that if you shake him around violently the colors in his eyes turn upside down. Is this true? Who knows!

When he got obtained by his new owner, upon exiting the gacha machine, his capsule rolled right out and got kicked around by passing pedestrians! The poor guy was rolled around the sidewalk for hours until nightfall, where the foot traffic lessened and he was finally able to stay stable for long enough to get out. Once escaping his circle-shaped prison, he immediately encountered a large monster (alley cat) and was swallowed whole. Thankfully Fengmeng has sharp teeth and claws! He was able to, er, exit the cat by the next morning, and began his travels around the world!

He rolls around in his capsule like a hamster ball due to the weight on his foot keeping him from going anywhere. It’s for the better, honestly, otherwise you’d have the equivalent of a walking mouse trap. Maybe good for pest control though? His thirst for blood certainly doesn’t seem to have a limit.

The speech bubbles and many strange accessories he has are all just Part Of Him. While he can’t access the knife in his tail, he carries around his own arsenal of weapons, including a box cutter taped to his tail and a knife stuck in his backpack. They don’t really hurt, though, considering they’re… tiny…..

Speaks in all caps. Says things beyond human comprehension. TAWKS LEK DEAS >>>___>> KEKEHEHE X-3333