


2 years, 4 months ago


Adopted from kiri on instagram on 1/18/22

Name is work in progress, but thought of from her mahogany skin, coincidentally similar to the term Merogony/Matrimony with what she does:

 Succubus anime girl with yandere-ish personality. Likes to get it her way.  Prob more than 300 human years old but equivalent to 24-25 year old. Will not pursue a person unless she has something to gain from them.  Currently PWB (Possessing with Benefits) with Hazel, as she influences her to (be gay/)do crimes, but they team up to pursue and attack those with foreboding criminal intent. Meromony's species feeds off victims' blood energy. 

Can activate wings and a tail in a creature form, but takes a lot of concentration, adrenaline and energy, which may leave her wounded and exhausted. Only needed in battle or to show off in pursuit. Often times the battles are with other succubi/incubi/demons from her same realm that have lost their species ways, reek havoc with the wrong intentions or target her same victims, especially Hazel.