
Wheeeeeeze oh my Goooood,, it's a handsome man,, I have to draw him in my actual style or get art of him or something to really convey that because like?? Oh man?? What a lad though sheeeesh,,

So! This guy is another old cowboy character from years back! At least, in story and name he is (though I even changed his first name tbh, he used to be Samuel McCoy Lamb, but he just?? Looks more like an Atticus?? So he gets to be Atticus haha.) Design-wise? This is kinda all new stuff here pffft. I really couldn't remember much about his appearance, so I just kinda?? Drew based on his story vibe?? And this is what I got! Rose-themed, long-haired guy I guess haha. Honestly, I kinda imbued him with energy of another character I never used much but also had a lot of notes on? So I think that's where his color scheme came from mostly. Lots of reds/maroons, y'know. Good stuff. But there's some design elements that came back from what little I can remember about him!! Mainly the long vest he's got going on, and I think the pinstripe pants?? Not 100% on that, but I think he originally had that. But I had a lot of fun with his design!! And again, I'm so excited to see him in a style that can actively bring out his handsomeness because DAMN he could pull it off hehe.

I'll code his profile eventually as well pffft, maybe tomorrow idk yet. But for now, some little info!

Atticus McCoy Lamb is a gun-for-hire. He takes on the low-down jobs that people could only dream up in their worst imaginations, and makes a pretty penny in the process. For all intents and purposes, he's essentially a hitman. However, just saying that is far from giving him justice. He's one of the most ruthless and efficient people in his craft, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a man quite as infamous as he is. However, you wouldn't think of him as anything but a gentleman at first glance.

McCoy is, first and foremost, very polite, charismatic, and charming. He knows his way around words, and loves to keep up a good conversation. He's incredibly smooth and confident, coming off as the kind of man that could easily weasel his way into anyone's heart. He has a subtle and dry yet playful sense of humor, though one that can make his typical conversations quite entertaining as a result. He's a master of subtle flirting, using his pretty face and prettier words to make many a conversation partner swoon. Despite this, he still seems to maintain his distance in terms of socializing. He's the kind of man that everyone knows, but no one knows well. This mysterious aura works to improve his charm tenfold. However, it also does a good job of cloaking his inner mastermind. Truth be told, he is wicked smart. He has an analytical mind, and often plans his moves about twelve steps in advance. He never goes into a situation unprepared, and his knack for strategy is near-unparalleled. This couples with his incredible patience. He has a very long temper, and has become somewhat of an expert in conflict mediation. He's found it best to stay on everyone's good side for as long as he can, preferring to keep allies to enemies. He figures that it's better if everyone loves him than if everyone hates him, and so far this strategy has proven true. In many ways, he seems to have everything together.

However, this is far from being the actual truth. He stays distant from most people for a reason after all: he fears that one day, any relationship he makes will inevitably end up broken by his profession. He struggles with fears of actual intimacy, and always has the idea looming in the back of his mind that everyone he meets could end up on the wrong end of his gun. Unfortunately, this has proven truer than he'd like to admit. With his work, McCoy has become much colder, more cynical, and more ruthless than many may give him credit for. Instead of forming true relationships, he often just puts his social skills to work through manipulation for jobs. He sees many scenarios he enters as games, in a sense, and believes that the more he knows about the pieces in play, the better. As such, he has gotten a penchant for lying. The trouble is, he has trouble separating his lying from his normal life, and lies often as a result, often as a completely subconscious action. Furthermore, he has gotten good at "turning on" and "turning off" his compassion and empathy. He often acts completely apathetic during his jobs, going to whatever lengths he needs to with a stone cold expression. However, just because he can hide his external showings, it doesn't at all mean that he doesn't still carry them around. On the contrary, he is actually quite a sad, somber man underneath his layers of charm. He has a gold heart at the center of his complexities, and feels unending guilt about the acts he commits. He never wanted to enter the life of a gun-for-hire. He desperately wants to leave the blood on his hands in the past, but due to his current circumstances, that's much easier said than done. He's bound in a seemingly neverending debt, and if he tries to leave, he and the few people he truly lets in and holds dear are certain to receive a bullet in the skull. Thus, he's been stuck. Due to this, he thinks that he's beyond saving, and while he wants something different out of life, he greatly doubts his abilities of getting it. That doesn't necessarily stop him from trying when he's motivated.

And some facts!

  • Surprisingly, he is VERY superstitious. He believes highly in luck, as well as in folklore. As such, he often follows certain rituals and rites in his daily life to go along with his beliefs.
  • The bullet he wears as an earring is indeed very real. It's his lucky bullet, and he thinks that keeping it on him helps him significantly. He keeps the card in his hat for a very similar, luck-related reason.
  • He has a HUGE sweet tooth. While he doesn't get to indulge in sweets often, he'll never refuse if given an opportunity.
  • He absolutely loves roses, especially red ones. He sees them as the flowers with the highest honor, in a way. As such, he has a tendency to leave them at his targets' graves (assuming there are any), or will at least leave one with the body if he needs to clean it up.
  • He swears that he's quite haunted by his past targets. This may just be his superstitious side at play, but he deeply believes in spirits, and absolutely believes that he sees/hears those he's dealt with in the past.
  • He has horrible insomnia, coupled with nightmares whenever he does sleep. He always sees horrible sights at night, which he ties in with his guilt and his belief of being haunted. It takes a lot for him to be able to sleep.
  • He is a fanatic for coffee, mainly due to his issues with sleeping. He'd prefer to stay up with caffeine's help than ever sleep for longer than necessary.
  • Before he entered the gun-for-hire life, he was actually a very successful doctor. However, after a mishap with that job, which ultimately acted as the cause for his debt and need to switch professions, he left the field. He still has all of his medical skills though, and will sometimes offer his treatments to those in need.
  • Among other skills, he's also quite talented with cutting/styling hair, as well as cooking.
  • He has a slight problem with gambling. He really likes playing a good game of poker, and can sometimes have difficulty knowing when to stop.
  • He is no stranger to smoking, and will especially do as such after jobs to help himself destress. This often also pairs with a drink or two.
  • He is somewhat of a connoisseur of alcohol, and has definitely developed high-end tastes.
  • As much as he struggles with intimacy, he does desperately want to be able to experience it. He's actually quite romantic at heart, and would love to have a partner. Instead however, he often plays out his fantasies by reading romantic literature.
  • He cares VERY deeply for his hair. He takes great care of it to make sure it always looks its best. This goes for his facial hair as well!
  • He has a Friesian stallion named Crow that he loves with all his heart. Crow is one of the few beings that he actually feels a deep connection to, and when he's upset, he often goes to Crow for comfort. Often, the only times he can get actual sleep is if he's with Crow.
  • Technically, his long vest actually used to be a coat, and his favorite coat at that! However, after the sleeves were damaged to the point of falling off, instead of trading it out, he decided to mend it into a vest instead.
  • He is a fantastic dancer, and he absolutely adores dancing as a result!
  • More later!