


2 years, 5 months ago


guy who would say shit like 'would you still like me if i was a worm :('

an angel who loved living life to the fullest and the extreme sensory overload of the mortal plane when compared to the honey sweet glaze of nothing up in thule's respite, ends up telling a partner (and wannabe angelologist- she found demons WAY too boring and well researched to look into) about the bizzarre existence of maycourt. gets confronted by thule the instant he goes back up to the heavens, the arch-being's rage over such an audacious betrayal stripping them of any sort of reason or delicacy in approach. tears off one of anaciel's wings (a mirror to maycourt's own single wing down on the mortal plane), shatters his halo, and then retroactively rewrites reality so that from the very start of angels their physicality were tied directly to their hearts (basically the sudden creation of a whole new timeline running directly parallel to the other in which an angel being a Phsyical Being which could interact w the physical world was not just. an inherent natural part of them but rather linked 2 the presence of their bodily hearts) so that they can devour his heart and serve up the most fitting punishment imagineable.

thrown out of thule's respite and broken down to nothing more than what is essentially a ghost, anaciel has THE worst time of his entire life for awhile, wandering around the lands without direction or purpose and spending all his time regreting every single choice in his life that brought him to such low points. eventually he runs into a living, thinking machine named AICEA that can actually see and interact with him more than the glimpses and cold spots which mortals get from him- he trails after the machine, desperate for any sort of interaction to prove his continued existence, and comes to notice that AICEA is wandering without direction as well. exposure over time to the demon and his constant chatter slowly breaks down AICEA's silence and it starts to pick up its own slack in conversations, telling anaciel that it has no purpose, not anymore. it once did, but not anymore. that's all that anaciel has to work with for a while besides one word comments over his own chatter, until AICEA eventually asks if death could be blamed on one single entity. anaciel basically goes "uhhhhhh idk man. thule i guess? they created all so they must determine when all comes to a close. but they aren't like. the keeper of death or whatever. idk" but AICEA only pays attention to the first part and then immediately goes "okay. i am going to kill thule." and the undeniable INTENT there is what finally lights something up in anaciel's heart besides misery- he understands AICEA completely in that moment and he too wants to make thule HURT

so the two agree to partner up and figure out a way to kill the arch-being together. anaciel finds both shelter and a parody of past physicality in "possessing" AICEA (basically just sitting next to it in its body along for the ride lol) and the two stay like that for such a long long time that eventually their personalities and all that kind of blend together into a new terrible vengeful little beast named nacea <3

some fun facts:
  • sometimes goes by ana but only for close friends and partners
  • loves colors of all kinds and loves pairing them together in awful little ways, his past halo a rainbow
  • got very into mortal theatre ENTIRELY for the mock swordfights before he was cast down from thule's respite, fascinated by the idea that it was choreographed just like any dance would be
  • sounds a little like jerma
  • favorite animals are chickens but specifically the weird fluffy show ones- likes flashy, impractical things in general lol