Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

All my characters are either made by me or others and will be properly credited if they are not by me (If I still have their user to add a link or their name).



Oh I Guess I should mention but I have headless beans so if that weirds you out just imagen them with a pumpkin as a head or something? I got beans who have heads and all their limbs (kinda) I also have characters with sensitive topics such as Self harm, Blood, Gore, and Abandonment, I will put a warning on those that have such a topic. 

If you see a character of yours in my Dreamy folder and want me to remove them then please let me know (I try to avoid adding anything here but there might be something that catches my eye.)

I'm not a character hoarder if you really pay attention to the lay out of my Toyhouse you will see that it's laid out in the form of a world and all these characters are a part of this world of mine.

Any character that has the tag "Bloodshed." means that they are VERY dear to me, and I will not hesitate to unalive anyone who dares to steal them.
DO NOT! kin my beans!

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