Water Keeper



2 years, 5 months ago



Name: Water Keeper
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her/Them
Sexuality: Bisexual
Territory: Marshwater Plains
Rank: Watcher
Age: Adult


Father; unknown
Mother: unknown
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A

Water Keeper is a 3 year old female guardian who watches the rushing rivers that litter the territory. When she was lost, Azolla allowed her to temporarily take shelter with them until she was ready to leave.  Touched by his kindness, and not missing the lonely life of wandering, she permanently joins the pride. Foregoing her old name which she by now has long forgotten and living as Water Keeper. She is quite flirty, hot-headed and anxious. She has a raspy voice and tends not to speak as much. She also has unusually long claws which she is constantly worried about. Choosing to stand a bit away from her pride-mates so to not accidentally scratch them. Most of her scars come from her own claws accidentally scratching herself when trying to show off. Sometimes she feels a bit inadequate. That she should be doing more for the pride than fighting dangers in the waterways, but when she is greeted with warm hugs and praise from the pride the feeling is washed away.