Peach / Grizzly



2 years, 5 months ago


Basic Information

Peach is a large, fluffy dilute calico she-cat with bright blue eyes. Her tail is long and fluffy. Her claws are stained with an unknown substance, making them reddish colour.

Peach is secretly a manipulative, conniving, and murderous cat, but puts up a front for her clan, acting like a teasing but well-meaning cat. She heard tales of Bear, a terrible murderer hellbent on nothing but bloodshed, but instead of taking it as a warning, she took it as inspiration to do the same.

cishet (female, she/her) get away from anyone no romance for you.


She is plotting with her sister, Night, to take down the colonies by causing all of them to fight each other to the death. They planned to work together through it all, but Peach ends up killing Night, and setting it up to make it look like a horrible accident.

She renames herself to Grizzly after she is found out, and the colonies attempt to capture her, but she tries to escape by running onto the Thunderpath, only to get hit by a monster and die.


She goes to the Dark Forest, and continues to plot ways to cause more chaos, including possession, child kidnapping, and more