


6 years, 7 months ago




Obtained: N/A
Status: Active; Top Main
Worth: Priceless (to me)
Notes: Partially blind in left eye.
Creator: @DementedxTitanx
Layout byJayden   •   Image by @DementedxTitanx

Damien “Demon”

Lazy • Short-tempered • Careless
NameDamien AshybaraBirthdateNovember 10
SpeciesHalf human, Half demonVoiceMike Kerr and Brendon Urie
AlignmentChaotic NeutralMBTIESTP

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Damien grew up in a very confusing environment. After his father, Tengu, was exiled from Britain for trying to overthrow the system, Tengu was thrown into the outskirts to be kept. It was soon revealed that he was a demon, and was tortured until his wife, Miyuki, found and saved him from the hidden dungeons. They decided it wasn’t best to remain in any part of Europe, so they fled to America, in a deserted forest in case news came that Tengu was still alive. Here, Damien was born. It was hard to create friends since they were forced to stay inside most of the time, but Damien managed to befriend a lonesome centaur named Mike. They were the best of friends until Mike got killed by a drunk driver. This made Damien ever more incredibly lonely, and often just stayed in his room. However, he absolutely loved his mom, and anything Miyuki did who cheer him up. She did her best to keep him happy, and it worked.

Until a freak accident occurred. Now, Tengu deeply loves Miyuki as well, but one day, he got overly angry with her. His violent impulses forced him to attack her, and manages to kill her. Once Tengu ‘wakes’ again from his mysterious outburst, he sees Miyuki in her last moments before passing. However, he didn’t realize Damien was downstairs to wish them goodnight, and Damien watched the whole thing. Horrified, he nearly ran away, but, quickly, Tengu erased his mind, and erased any memory of his mother before any more harm can occur. Damien has no memory of Miyuki, and often now struggles with long-term memories. And even worse, after Miyuki’s death, Tengu begun to put all of his aggression into Damien, forcing him to work constantly to make sure he never remembers Miyuki. Tengu was afraid he’d bring up her again, feeling everything was his fault (which it was tbh). Damien eventually escaped his home after a few years and now continues to live in assorted deserted houses. He occasionally works with Mare (though, it’s unknown as of now how they met), though he doesn’t dislike Evylen or Glitch.