꒰ ✧ moth ✧ ꒱



2 years, 4 months ago






"your dreams... i can make them come true."
A ragdoll cat with the power to see and manifest elements from dreams and nightmares. They get their powers from a crystal embedded in their forehead, known as the Dream Quartz.

They are a kind and laid-back cat with a big heart. They live in a cottage in the forest with their pet chao, Chamomile. They are disabled, using their powers to assist with mobility.

Aside from their dream-related abilities, they wield a magical flail made of yarn that they can summon with the Dream Quartz. It's infused with a sleep-inducing powder that knocks out the target. It can also transform into a cane.


moth the ragdoll was born in a small town known as cirrus grove. they were an adventurous child, always exploring the nearby forest and scavenging for anything of interest.

this habit of theirs ultimately led them to finding a strange stone - one that glowed unlike any other, and almost drew them to it. upon contact with it however, moth fell unconscious, and upon awakening found that the stone had embedded itself in their head.

this stone would come to be known as the dream crystal, and with it came the power to see and manifest elements of dreams and nightmares.

news of the strange stone didn't travel far outside of the town for many years, but after someone looking to study similar phenomena visited the town and learned more, they shared their studies on the dream crystal to more of the world. this eventually would catch the attention of the wrong person.


one day, a day long after moth had acquired the dream crystal - enough time passing for them to become an adult, living on their own - they were ambushed and kidnapped by badniks in the forest as they were taking a walk. they were taken back to one of eggman's bases, where he revealed to them that he'd heard much about the dream crystal and the powers it gave them and how he planned to use that for his own gain.

this was the start of project luna.

following their capture, moth was initially planned to be roboticized, however eggman did not want to risk the crystal's powers no longer working if it were no longer connected to moth's organic form. he instead decided to give them cybernetic enhancements and robotic suit-like pieces that would act as an artificial robotization, while still keeping them under his control.

the plan for project luna as a whole wasn't unlike many other plans robotnik had. using luna and the power of the dream crystal, he sent them out to make contact with sonic and find out his worst nightmare. then, using his own tech, robotnik would then build a simulation of it to trap sonic in. after that, he would use the dream crystal to make his own greatest dreams reality: eggman land, and taking over the world.

phase 1 of this plan worked out fairly well. moth, now as luna, found sonic who initially put up a fight but was ultimately left confused when all they did was simply touch his shoulder and leave. they returned to base and relayed the information to eggman, who promptly began his work.

phase 2 was to lure sonic into the nightmare simulation to trap him. during an altercation between sonic and luna, sonic, upon realizing that luna is breathing, and has real, actual fur, he changes his approach and manages to damage their robotic helmet enough to let them speak. this is when they reveal robotnik's plan, and warn him. luna is recalled once eggman is notified of the damage to the helmet, leaving sonic to figure out how to fix this mess and save luna without being tormented forever.

when phase 2 failed, eggman decided instead to simply skip to phase 3: taking over the world and making it his. he fashioned a machine to amplify the dream crystals power to be able to create just what he wanted. however, sonic comes just in time to save the day, freeing moth from eggman's control and defeating him with moths help.


after the events of project luna, moth returned to living in their cottage in the forest near their hometown, trying to return to a sense of normalcy. however, now friends with sonic and co, they begin participating in adventures to help out when they're able to. they play prominent roles in the modern and IDW canon continuity.

speciesragdoll cat

age young adult

height 2'11 / 3'2 with boots

pronouns they/he



  • their fur pattern is heavily based on bicolor mitted ragdoll cats
  • the dark pink pattern on their ear is supposed to evoke a heart shape!
  • their glove cuffs are meant to be more of a shiny material, like a bracelet, similar to how amy's gloves look.
  • the bottom of their shoes has a pawprint pattern on the front of the sole, with a pattern resembling clouds on the heels.
  • they have a mullet-esque hairstyle, however only the bangs are visible from the front due to their fur.
  • their cowlick follows mickey mouse logic - no matter which direction they face, its always facing the camera.

  • dream - circus-p
  • dream sweet in sea major - miracle musical
  • dawn - circus-p
  • stranded lullaby - miracle musical
  • rises the moon - liana flores
  • the milk carton - madilyn mei
  • can't i even dream? (eng.) - jubyphonic
  • good grief! - vylet pony