


2 years, 4 months ago



Name: Amberripple Name Meaning: For the warm coloursand pattern of her pelt Former name(s): Amberkit, Amberpaw Age: TBA Gender and pronouns: Female She/Her Sexuality: Heterosexual Clan or Lifestyle: Clan TBA Rank: Warrior Mentor: N/A Apprentice(s): N/A
Fur color and pattern: Cream coloured fur with warm flamepoint markings
Fur length: short and smoothl
Body shape: round
Eye color: Pale blue
Scars: N/A
Other important details: Her left eye is deformed and smaller than the other. Can't see out of it well and despite her plumper appearance is rather frail and gets sick easily.

A round , cream coloured flamepoint, with pale blue eyes, one of which is smaller than the other.

+ Optimistic
+ Sweet
+ Patient
= Daydreaner
= Curious
= Calm
- Weak/ Sickly
- Quiet
- Over eater

Amberripple lead a very short life but in that time by those who were close to her she was seen as rather optomistic, always looking on the bright side despite circumstances, never once complaining and always behaving in a sweet and polite manner. And her patience seemed to know no bounds as she was in and out of the medicine cat's den frequently do to her weak nature, but she never once complained and always did as she was told, but somehow seemed to remain hopeful. She was a daydreamer, always talking to those she was closest to about the things she wanted to do and what kind of things she was curious about. She was calm most of the time though, this may have been because if she got too over excited it would result in her feeling unwell and having to return to the medicince cat's den or rest for an extended period of time. She was never the most healthy of kits when she first came to the clan and this didn't change as she grew older. Neither did her eating habbits, it was something she couldn't seem to break. If there was food available she would eat it, sometimes to the point of making herself sick. It was like she was afraid of running out or afraid that if she got sick and didn't have the strength to eat later, she would die. Of course she didn't share this fact with anyone, despite her outward optamism, she kept quiet when it came to her own discomfort or discomfort. She didn't talk much to the rest of the clan besides her adopted family, but even with them she was on the quieter side. She didn't want to worry them.

Likes - The sun on her fur
- Bumble's smile
- The sweet smell of flowers
- Fresh cool air
- A warm, crowded den
Dislikes - Falling ill
- Twolegs
Goals - To Raise a family with Bumbleberry
Regrets - Having to spend so much time in the medicine cat's den
Fears - Being too sick to do things
- Being taken back by twolegs


Rabbitflight [Adopted Mother]

Amberripple loves Rabbitflight dearly, she took her in and cared for her and made her feel like she really belonged. Her memories of her own parents are faded, but Rabbitflight was the best mother she could have ever asked for and she's so happy to have been found by the clans and brought to her. She thanks starclan ever day for such fate.

[Adopted Brother]

Amber grew up along side Tiger and Bumble, though was closer to Bumble and when she and he became mates, that officially meant Tigerleaf was her brother in a way, and she couldn't have been more happy to have such a spunky brother to tag along with her and Bumbleberry where ever they went

Dafadilnose [Daughter]

She died before she got a chance to meet her

Poseywhisper [Daughter]

She died before she got a chance to meet her


NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


Bumbleberry [ Mate ]

Amber and Bumble grew up together as it was Bumble's mother Rabbitflight who took her in when she was abandoned by twolegs. Bumble has always looked out for and cared for her and as time went on, their feelings for eachother changed into something sweeter. She loves him, he's everything she could want in not only mate but, a friend you would be willing to spend the rest of your life with.


Daffadilnose [Nephew's mate]

She's the mother of basically his grandkits, so he's quite fond of her even if he hasn't spoken to her much, Brackenflame and their kits take up most of her time, though she's closer in age to himself and their apprenticeship overlapped for a short period.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


  • - Adderkit and Marrowkit were born to Chimpmunkwish and Redwood, their mother died during the birth and their father gave them names to help them be tough and strong.
  • - Due to grief striken neglect Marrowkit lost her tail and Adderkit decided to step up and be the parent they both needed.
  • - Apprenticeship was great!
  • - Became a warrior
  • - Became an uncle
  • - Ended up raising his sister's kits when she was unable to
  • - Mentored his niece
  • - Niece and Nephews become warriors
  • - Father passed away from an infected wound.
  • - Became a great Uncle
  • - Wants to sire kits of his own.
  • - Lost his sister.


She was born in a twoleg home, the kind that breeds kittens without proper consideration for their health, a mill. Because of poor breeding practices, this kit was born with a number of health issues the most prominant being a deformed, smaller left eye. She was discarded as a result. She was found by clan cats and brought to the nursery where she came into the care of Rabbitflight who gave her the name Amberkit for the warm colours of her pelt. Rabbitflight and her sons, Bumblekit and Tigerkit became family to her. She was very close to Bumblekit as he took it upon himself to take extra care of her. She was very frail as a kit and he was very gentle and sweet with her. She missed him terribly when he and his brother became apprentices before she did.


As an apprentice she was wide eyed and curious about the world around her, but due to her health her apprenticeship was long and haulting affair do to being in and out of the medicince cat's den frequently. She had some interest in herbs and always loved the smells within the den, but she was determine to follow Bumblepaw down the path of a warrior, so they could stay together. He became a warrior several moons before her and she worked hard to prove herself all while trying to tread the delicate blance of keeping up with training, but not overworking herself into becoming ill and falling behind once again. It was very difficult, but Bumbleberry, Tigerleaf and Rabbitflight were all there cheering her on.


She was overjoyed when she finally became a warrior and got a little too excited by the news and ended up falling ill as a result. When she was well enough again, now as Amberripple, she joined Bumbleberry in the warrior's den, happy to be by his side once again. The moons that followed Amberripple spent in contentment, a family that cared for her, a home she could call her own, a mate who loved her. She was so happy. She was even happier when she found out they would be having kits. She couldn't wait to meet them, her and Bumble were going to start a family of their own. She couldn't have asked for more. Unfortunately, she never got to meet her kits, as birthing the kits only put more strain on her already weak nature, she passed away.
Associated songs: N/A
Voice claim: N/A
Fun fact: N/A
Fun fact: N/A
Old Bio: N/A

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