Ilyrana Lightshiver



2 years, 4 months ago


  • Ilyrana Lightshiver

  • age 91
  • gender Female
  • race Silvan (Copper/Wood) Elf
  • role Hunter/Warrior
  • theme

Quiet • Confident • Curious


Ilyrana Lightshiver spent most of her happy childhood in a small village of Woodelves like herself, where her father was the chieftan of the lands known as Ambo-O Kal. The young elf spent her days frolicking in the lush greend fields and hunting with her father as well as others within the shelter of the trees. As she grew, so did her curiosity for all things natural, including the mysteries of the ocean that surrounded their island home andfurther up the coast, the sparkling white city of the Elves. Despite the cheiftan's wishes, the young girl could often be found at the beach, playing in the waves and practicing the magic passed down from the Elders when she wasn't helping out within the village itself or hunting with her father.

As time passed and the child came to her adolecence, so did the world around her change.The normally peaceful people became forcefully engaged in a war with an invading armyof Orcs, trolls and other viscious creatures led by the formidable Adar -o gurth or Father of death. It was then that the village of Wood or Copper elves as some called them were forced to the glistening city of the elves to seek refuge. One village out of hundreds that had separated themselves and once lived in harmony with the Earth and nature around them now sought shelter within the marble walls, though even this would not last long.

As one last push, Adar -o gurth attacked the city, felling the walls and infiltrating the kingdom but the High Elves were already steps ahead of them. Having sent ships of their own people as well as refugees out to the ocean in order to spread them out and send them to new homes within their own realm and without. On one of those ships, looking out toward the home that she once loved and adored and watching as, due to one final act of magic and perseverance by those wishing to keep Ambo o- Kal a secret, the terrain around the mythical city crumbled and fell into the ocean, leaving only a single white spire behind.

With the final memory of her home and a heavy heart, the ship that carried Ilyrana and many others, none of which had been within her village before, crossed the veil into the realm of humans and drifted ashore, depositing the refugees into a new land where magic like theirs was seldom seen and often sought after. Using her skills as a hunter, the Fea bestowed upon her from birth and a small arsenal passed down from her father consisting of a Yew or Elven Bow, a quiver of arrows, her hunting knife and her bo staff, the young woman set out to make a place for herself in this mysterious new world.

At first, she stuck to the forests, but the more contact she began to have with humans, she began to realize that there was more to this place than she had thought. However, that did not stop her from remaining in the forest, moreso for her safety than anything else. It was while she was living there that she met a little girl that had gotten lost within.

After having calmed the girl and made sure that she was taken care of, she helped the young woman back to the entrance. It was there that she met the young woman's father and while she was a little confused as to the way she felt about him, never really explored such feelings before but the more time she spent around him and Katie, the more the bond seemed to grow. She was happy, happier than she had been upon first leaving her home at least.

While the woman did have her own reservations, especially when it came to invading personal space that didn't stop her from growing ever closer to Will and Katie. Eventually, she did find herself allowing their relationship to become intimate. It was shortly after this, however that she was approached by the King of Elves who ordered her home. The young Silvan elf didn't have a choice, she didn't have the opportunity to tell her new found partner about what was going on, instead having to disappear into the night in order to return to her own realm.

The young woman was used to being looked down upon, what she was not prepared for Thranduil to berate her, forbid her from seeing Will again, assuming that he was 'mortal'. It was around that time, while they were preparing for one final stand in order to attempt to take her home land back that it was discovered that she was pregnant. Instead of allowing the woman on the front lines, she was given a role with the officers, planning their movements and assisting them with whatever they needed until the baby was born.

It was then that Ilyrana found out that Thranduil had planned to take the baby and raise it in the Silver City. At first she had thought nothing of it, accepting it for what was presented. An opportunity for a Silvan elf to be adopted into the Royal family but as time went on, it became evident that Thranduil wanted nothing more than another serving boy. By that time there was nothing she could do about it, the young man was already a part of palace life and though she had always been close to the Prince, that didn't seem to help her or her son much.

Finally, the war came to a head and Ilyrana joined the front lines. Bow and daggers in hand, the young woman fought for her home in hopes to reclaim at least what was left of her home. It was all for naught, however. The Orcs were too many and the elves, not enough. They failed in their mission and when all was said and done, Ily was allowed to return to the human realm. She begged and pleaded to be allowed to take her son with her, but Thranduil would not allow it.

The Elf returned, finding herself heartbroken and afraid of what she would find after being gone so long. It didn't help that she had become attached to a Dwarf that reminded her so much of Will, when the man had died she found herself mourning him as one would mourn a lover. She remained in the forest once again, until Will came across her once more while she was hunting.

She nearly ran, the woman terrified of what he might think or say but upon seeing him again, her feelings for him came flooding back and she found herself running straight into his arms. She knew it was rather uncharacteristic for her, as was the fact that she cuddled into his arms when they finally got home and made sure that Katie was okay. She's been living with him ever since, every now and then returning to the forest for a night or two when she began to feel too crowded.

"I have seen the world fall away and the white light of the future fill the air."

height 5'5

build Slender/Athletic

pronouns She/Her

s.o. Straight

dob May 15, 1930

sign Taurus

origin Silvan Elf

occupation Warrior

mbti ISTP

demeanor Calculating, Logical

tarot The Heirophant

element Earth


  • Family
  • The Forest
  • Animals
  • Peace


  • Disloyalty
  • Dishonesty
  • Dishonor
  • Deforestation
  • Animal Cruelty

Bow Mastery

Such is tradition in the majority of Elven culture, Ilyrana has been trained to use the most basic and one of the most silent of weapons since the age of three, making the young elf an excellent marksmen and lethal apponent with a bow and arrow. Though she usually only uses it for hunting, should she need too, she can use the tool for stealth attacks and quick kills.


Despite being raised in Tirion, a hilltop city built by Elves that is said to have sand like streets made from diamond dust, the young elf took up the art of hunting in order to become closer to Nature.

Elven Magic

Though not considered a Master of the craft, Ilyrana is skilled in Elven magic. Going by the teachings of her Elders, she was taught to use her Fea (spirit) in such a way that she is able to heal others, including but not limited to life threatening injures. Although she cannot bring someone back from the dead, as necromancy is shunned in elven culture unless practiced by the much darker blood and dark elves, she has been known to use her powers to restore life to other living things such as plants and on very few occasions, small animals.

Melee Mastery

Though she prefers knives, the young elf has mastered various other forms of melee weapons, including the bo staff, various daggers, the guandao and tonfa. Though she carries very little with her when she travels, mostly just a hunting knife, her bow, a quiver and often a staff.


Due to her capabilities as a huntsman and her ever evolving understanding of magic, Ilyrana is capable of blending in with just about any landscape. Wether it be hiding amongst trees or disappearing into a sandstorm, sometimes even using her limited subterfuge abilites to fool a being's mind into not seeing her, even as she stands nose to nose with them, she is often difficult to track and even harder to find when she does not wish to be found.

Horse Riding

Having been her primary source of travel since she was young, Ilyrana is able to ride a horse on an expert level. While some attribute her excellent skill with the beasts to her Elvish heritage and kind treatment of animals, the elf will simply shake her head and attribute her ability to years of practice.

Elven Bow

A carefully crafted Yew bow with ornate carvings along the arches. Considering the young woman's background and love of nature, the specially crafted bow depicts vines wrapping around the soft colored wood, it's leaves spreading out as if reaching for the sun when held correctly.

Quiver of Arrows

These hand made arrows often have stone or steel tips, the fletchings made of goose feathers. The quiver itself made of hardened leather and having the same vine like pattern branded into it, can hold up to twenty arrows. Due to this, ten of the arrows are plain, while the other ten have intricate carvings and often symbols carved into them in order to enhance whatever magic the archer uses with them.

Hunting Knife

The handle of the blade, much like her bow, is inlaid with a silver and gold vine pattern that wraps around the whole of the handle. The blade itself is made from Mithril, a metal known only to the Elven people.

Boe Staff

A staff made of white oak and adorned with vine like carvings, intertwining with various elven symbols and flowers. Though mostly used as a melee weapon or a walking staff, it can be used to channel Ilyrana's magical abilites or Fea.


William Burton

[ Boyfriend/Companion ] Despite knowing that the man was not her own kind, Ilyrana took a liking to William and found herself opening up to him far more than she had anyone else. So much so, that the two wound up in bed together and concieved a child, although she wound up having to return to her home before she knew she was pregnant. She would return to his side and remain there, telling him of their son and the situation she had been forced to leave him in. Will, with the help of Hell's Queen, went back to her home and returned their son to the human realm to live with them.


Katie Burton

[ Adopted Daughter ] The little girl that she met in the forest, Katie holds a special place in her heart, just as William does. Having grown close to the both of them, she came to see Katie as her own child, though she never thought that she would be giving the young woman a brother. She did, however and thankfully, both get along with one another as if they were never separated.


Tamlin Burton-Lightshiver

[ Son ] Tamlin was born in the Elven Silver City, Ilyrana forced to give him up in order to be raised by Thranduil, King of the Elves. This, however did not happen as intended. While he was raised in the palace, he was raised to be a serving boy, not taken under the King's wing as his mother had been promised. She knew of this, but there was nothing she could do to save him from it, not until she returned to William's side. She told him, though a bit reluctantly, about what had happened and he returned to the Silver City to bring the boy home, which he did. Since then, his mother has hardly leaving his side for the first few weeks.

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