
2 years, 4 months ago


Adastreria, Soma's Right Hand

"The Goddesses being protected is the last resort this galaxy has, someone has to stick by them in case something unexpected happens."

— Sirius, after meeting Polaris

› Name

› Gender

› Pronouns

› Role

Soma's Right Hand Man
› Origin



  • Moon Tea
  • Roses
  • Pillows
  • Cellos
  • Frosting


  • Fog
  • Short Doors
  • Bland Tea
  • Bright Lights
  • Broken Watches






Sirius, working as Soma's Right Hand, has about the same power as the Zodiacs, but on a bigger scale as Sol and Soma's protector. The Owl, along with Ursa Major, are the last lines of defense if anything were to try and harm the Goddesses. He's restless, committed to his role, and very serious when it comes to respect. He's the reason behind Libra and her role as the police chief in the solar system.

Before the marriage of the Sun and Moon, Sirius was still Soma's assistent in the cold system of Hladno, the group of planets Soma ruled over before the meeting with Sol. Protecting Soma there was something Sirius had not quite known yet, as he was tasked with regulating the temperature throughout the planets they hosted, and to study the education it took to stand beside a Goddess such as Soma.


Sirius has a sweet tooth for anything with frosting on it, and Corvus will win him over with anything that has to do with the vanilla mixture. Under his rough texture, he has a soft spot for Corvus and tiny stars, he can never be angry with either no matter how hard he tries. With Ursa Major, they don't talk often as they are on conflicting schedules, but whenever there's a meeting the both of them work together to take down any disturbances.

  • Sirius regularly makes Moon Tea for both him and Soma when she wakes up.
  • Sirius has a very deep trauma related to fog.
  • Sirius and Ursa Major were responsible for tying Draco down to Nexerus.
  • Sirius visits Vleerumis' library often, and makes donations of books Soma kept from the Hladno days.