Chatelaine (Chatty)



2 years, 3 months ago


"Pssh - screw the formalities! I'm here for some ACTION!"

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A dimension-hopping dragon who's always on the move! Flighty, frantic and all about adventure, Chatty almost never stops traveling, constantly on the lookout for her next destination. There's not really anything to blame but herself for her energetic nature, but the opposite's to be said about her dimension-traveling habits - that's all thanks to a very special, very precious charm she takes with her wherever she goes...

Chatelaine herself is a friend through and through, showing lots of love and putting plenty of dedication towards making sure everyone she meets stays out of danger - even if it's for just a fleeting moment. Though she can be somewhat overwhelming for others to deal with, she means well and tries her best to be something other than an absolute nuisance. Her strong-willed, stubborn spirit is admittedly rather admirable; and her power to use the wind and her wings to conquer the competition is quite the spectacle to be seen!