Pound Cake



2 years, 3 months ago


Pound Cake

"Pay attention! Cause I'm only going to do this once."

Pound Cake
Cisgender (She/Her)
200 (AOP 40)
Agatha Professor


Once there was a kind of fairy called Confectifairies. They were made from love and sweet sugar. The fairies who were sweetest could grant the wishes of those in need. The newest princess, Princess Pound Cake, was the sweetest Confectifairy of them all! However, the fairies were forced to disperse due to a travesty, making their whereabouts completely unknown.


  • Board Games
  • Powdered Sugar
  • Winter
  • Study Sessions
  • Wish Granting


  • Nurturing
  • Skeptical
  • Pessimistic
  • Good-Natured
  • Modern


  • Cubicles
  • Black Coffee
  • Humans
  • Her Morning Alarm
  • Wish Granting



Sweet Treat
Sweet Treat is Pound Cake’s signature Fairy Godmother ability. When overcome with happiness, she’ll enter “Sweet Treat mode,” where Pound will limitlessly grant wishes for a short duration. It is useful in battle as it could greatly aid her companions but serve as a hindrance if her opponents make wishes of their own. Unfortunately, this power requires an incredibly long charge up, and Pound hasn’t used it since she was a child.
Wish Granting
Pound Cake can grant wishes! However, there are several rules in place to stop her from granting wishes with the intent to harm. She is required to grant any spoken wishes that are good and selfless. Granting wishes is very taxing, though, so she can get tired quickly.
Fairy Form
Pound Cake can change forms to her proper fairy form. This form is no bigger than your hand and allows her to use most of her abilities, such as flight and fairy dust. She finds this incredibly embarrassing, though, so she doesn’t shift if others are around.
Fairy Dust
Confectifairy fairy dust is vital! She can generate sugar crystals that can shrink anything they land on by rubbing her wings together. This is great if one wants to visit the fairies or pack a lot of flavor in a tiny, tiny treat.

Design Notes


If possible, always keep the pouty mouth, even when smiling!

In fairy form, Pound will be very chibiesque! So don't be afraid to make her overly cutesy! She’ll only hate it immensely!

Braid consists of the headpiece, two balls, and the curl at the end.

Pupils are always white..

Her outfit is made entirely out of cake! Remember that when rendering.


Once upon a time, in a human realm far, far away, the Confectifairies lived in peace and harmony with the world and creatures around them. They did nothing but spread good luck and fortune across the land, granting the wishes of anyone they came into contact with! Things seemed incredibly bright as a princess made of the sweetest sugar and cream was born. Her name was Pound Cake. She had a fun life, learning the ways of magic and how to guide her people. Though she was young, she dreamed of helping everyone in the world.

One day, the fairies were approached by a group of humans, a curious creature but one they loved nonetheless. These humans summoned them to something called a courtroom as one of the Confectifairies killed a human! This was horrifying news as no fairy would ever cause harm to another living being!

Nonetheless, the fairies gathered in the human courtroom where they were put on trial by a witch, a princess, and a queen. However, Princess Pound could see through this immediately, telling the court that these were merely human costumes. The court heard nothing of it, and the three figures pleaded that they had all witnessed the fairies do the crime.

In actuality, these three women were in costume, a mere part of a heinous plot to get rid of the fairies to claim the forest they called home. Unfortunately, the scheme was very successful, and the fairies were kicked out of their forest and dispersed across the land.

Farewell, Fairy...

Pound was utterly separated from her people and the land she had called home. When she finally came upon her land again, it had been completely torn down and turned into a town. With no home or people to go to, she dawned on a human disguise to survive in this new and unknown world.

For centuries, Pound grew and lived amongst humans. What was once a disguise made for survival became her everyday life. She was once a princess promising to lead a happy and enchanted life for her people, but instead, she was 200 years old, working a stuffy desk job filing papers for a living.

Pound lost touch with her fairy self and was content in her deskwork life and watching soap operas in her apartment. She rarely encountered magic except for the rare wish she was forced to grant. That was a small price to pay for a completely ordinary life. It was nice, it was secure, and nothing could EVER change that!


Hello Mahou!

Pound was haunted by this key! No matter where she would go, where she would toss it, it seemed to always appear before her! The last thing she wanted was some magic crap ruining this perfect life she had made for her!

One night she had come home particularly late from work. She, of course, forgot to bring her raincoat and was forced to walk home in the pouring rain. Wet, cold, and particularly annoyed, she took her key out and went to open her apartment to go inside.

She found herself in the very opposite of her home! And the key in her hand???


Pound Cake had managed to stumble right into the magical world of Mahou! And she couldn’t be less thrilled!

While Mahou should have felt natural to her, it was anything but. To say that living in the human world for 200 years would create a culture shock is a massive understatement. But, despite how annoyed she can grow due to magic shenanigans, something about the world is just so familiar in a way she can’t quite place.

She is now a professor at the esteemed Agatha Acadamy, as she believes this will keep her busy before she eventually goes back to the human world. But perhaps, she’s looking for something else. Maybe that’s why she hasn’t decided to leave yet.


  • Her best friend was a fairy named Butterbean as a child! While she’s done her best to find her over the years, she hasn’t been successful.
  • When she sneezes, fairy dust goes EVERYWHERE, leading to many shenanigans.
  • She teaches Wish Granting and Wishing 101.
  • Confectifairies are always a bit chubby by nature as their diet consists mainly of sugar. Pound likes to try dieting fads every once in a while in true 40-year-old facebook mom fashion, and the results are invariably disastrous as she gets very sick.
  • Her wand is a honey dipper that produces floating magic honey strands when she waves it around! It can grow to be scepter sizes when she needs it to be.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus.