


2 years, 3 months ago


"Not much is known about Rogan, honestly. He just appeared in the city one day and since then become a liked guy straight away. He got that something about him, although I can't explain why. Oh, he's a beetle, maybe that's why."

"Rogan? That beetle you mean? Ahh, well, he is quite good looking. I heard he stole hearts of many creatures. You wouldn't even believe how liked he is, although he doesn't do much. Actually... I don't think I even know anything speific about him!"

"Hehe, you asked a right person! That fella is a really hottie in a city, and I mean not only as a beetle but-- as a topic too! You see, there are so many mysteries around him. From where he is? Who he is? What he is truly like? Does he is single? And etc. Oh and don't laugh! Last question is a big mystery actually. Someone once spotted him hanging out with a spider, that was said to have looked as good as Rogan himself! No one has any evidence though, and the person who started tht rumor couldn't identify that spider... What a shame, oh what a shame!"