✉️ | shiki's Comments

hello! i’m here from your amino purge post, and was wondering if you take paypal + have a usd range for them ? ^^

i probably can’t afford the full price so feel free to look at 

- my ufo folder but i don’t have many ; ;

- my art examples, i do have discord :D i’m currently in art debt though, but depending on amount of art it shouldn’t take more than 2 weeks/1 month-ish ?


i sadly didnt see anyone id use but id be happy to look at art, youre free to offer whatever amount youre comfortable doing :))

alright thank you ! i can do a mix offer of usd and art if you’re interested in that ? to start i can offer 15$ + a rendered fullbody with simple background ? ^^

(i can up the usd or the art amount btw :D (or both?))

Unfortunately i cant accept usd, but if i were to add on art i probably would be able to, the art will depend on ghe usd offer but i can do the 15 if you want :3 

that would be awesome! how much art do you feel would be fair then ? ^^

(my discord is plum_flavor if you wanna discuss more btw!)