Page Turn



2 years, 7 months ago



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Page Turn is a Jackdaw Kenku that was born and raised in the Edificant Library in the Snowflake Mountains of Impresk by his mother, Mouse Peep, and father, Cork Pop. At the Edificant Library, Kenku were regularly taken advantage of for their low place in society and advanced forgery skills, usually employed as copiers by the library for extremely low pay and barely acceptable lower-class living conditions in the town that surrounded the Library, but it was considered a better deal than being homeless beggars like Kenku in other cities. 

Page Turn himself was employed at the Library as soon as he reached Kenku adulthood at 12 years old. Page Turn became addicted to the Knowledge he gained copying manuscripts and maps, soon he began borrowing them to copy the Knowledge to scraps of paper, or stealing copied versions he made for himself. 

When he reached 15, his younger brother, Ink Drip, became an adult and Page Turn did not have to help provide for the family any more. He left their small living quarters of Edificant and went in search of Knowledge and Magic, hoping to break the Kenku curse and regain Kenku's capacity for speech, flight, and creativity. 

Page Turn and Ink Drip care for each other dearly and often try to write when Page finds himself settled for a time in a city, studying their entire library catalog for the Secrets and Powers needed to break the Kenku Curse. The last Page Turn heard, his brother, now 15 himself, was working as a wine and spice smuggler in Nimpeth.


Name Page Turn
Age 18
PathwayOrder of Scribes
Pronouns He / They
AlignmentTrue Neutral
PlummageDark Gray/Black
Height 5'4"
EyesPale Blue-Gray
RaceKenku (Jackdaw)
Sexuality Demi-Pan
OccupationFormer Copier
ReligionDeneir; God of Knowledge
AffiliationEdificant Library

Personality Traits

Knowledge Hoarder. I'm convinced that people are always trying to steal my secrets.
Belief. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge.
 Aspiration. I want to cure the Curse that plagues my race, at least for creativity or speech, so people will finally stop taking advantage of us.
 Bond. I love my family very much; but my duty lies with my race.
Flaw. I'm easily distracted by the promise of information, magic, and things I can use for spells.
Secret. I hold a deep dislike for the leaders of my home for taking advantage of my race. I don't plan to return unless I absolutely have to.
✦ Languages. I can read, write, and understand Common, Auran, Elvish, and Dwarvish. My understanding of Auran allows me to understand the other three Primordial dialects well enough to comprehend their literal meaning. 



✦ Collecting Spells, Secrets, Shiny Baubles, & Spell Components

✦ His brother, Ink Drip, & Parents

✦ Information & Learning

✦ His Sentient Spellbook "Gleam"




✦ Being Taken Advantage of

✦ Those that want to steal his Secrets

✦ When His Intelligence is Underestimated

✦ The Kenku Curse & Not being able to truly speak his mind