


2 years, 5 months ago


From the Medeku Wolf Rp 

Name: Gilate [Gil to friends]
Age: 3
Gender: He/Him
Sexuality: Pan
Scent: Slight taint of burnt straw, otherwise like a well-loved teddy bear

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Runs with: Silent Oak
Rank of: Recruiter
Aspires: Counselor, he believes he'd be the best.

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Personality: Hes a smiling wolf, generally enjoys figuring out what wolves think through conversation or debate. He finds himself thinking things through too much when it comes to other wolves, struggles to keep a grasp on his own life because he spends so much of it involved in others. He doesn't like overly peaceful times, he finds satisfaction in resolving drama. He shows affection by spending time in the room with you, strangely quiet. He enjoys company who tries to one-up him.

Likes: Dried meat and chasing hares, hes very agile but not very fast, so he doesnt catch too many.

Dislikes: Rain, he hates having his hair plastered to his back, spends hours trying to lick it back into shape. Physical conflict, he will and can injure wolves for a purpose but doesn't enjoy it. Mental is another thing

Strengths: Conversation skills and empathy Weaknesses:  He can't swim. He has a severe fear of being killed by an opposing clan, funny because hes part of the most deadly one.  

Biggest flaw: Liable to ignore some wolves who don't pay him enough attention... 

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Mother: Lizbeth (Domesticated by hikers and living in the city)

Father: Roco (Deceased)


Genesis is his half brother (same dad) 

Moon is his half sister (same dad) 

Backstory: His mother was a domesticated wolf, and father a stray. His mother had been a loner but she had hit her head as a pup and couldn’t hunt well, due to problems with her balance, after her parents died she was so starving she approached hikers for food, and this couple brought her home. The Father would visit the city every once in a while, but Gil never got to meet him. Gil naturally had more of a bite than was acceptable for his mothers owners, and he escaped the pound guards that tried to catch him with his agility. He didn't like leaving his mother but he was a wild animal, and ran until he found the forest. He wandered for a while before talking his way into silent oak, and then into the position of recruiter, his persuasive skills being formidable. What he would really like to do is take the position of Counselor so he can [manipulate] work with the wolves to overcome their issues and do their jobs.  

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Appearance: hazel eyes, 32",  80lbs, grey and white and brown fur. His coat has a light grey chest and legs, but the back and underbelly are darker. The brown comes from his mom. He has short legs and a light, bendy body that can contort to fit inside tiny spaces.  

STATS (for info check #how-stats-work ) 

Attack: 5 (-5) 

Defense: 5 (-5) 

Agility: 15 (+5) 

Senses: 15 (+5) 

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