love (✉️ ✉️ ✉️)




khai dream

It's a beautiful thing, like flowers blooming in a lonely field, the petals drift through crossing winds.

Love Gardner


Loveliest postman?

aliases n.a.
pronouns she/her
gender female
orientation tbd.
age 22 years
birthday 14.03
origins british/italian
occupation postman
current worry
tomorrows raining and its parcel day...

Love is a curious little thing that some say makes the world turn. It is described as something magical, where one realises what is most dearest to them. It is a key that allows people to unlock apart the best part of themselves. Or at least, thats what books say.

I think I need to learn to love myself, I must learn to be strong.











star sign

I think I'm better when I'm with you.

Love is selectively mute. When speaking, she has a pretty soft voice that sometimes is too quiet or muffled. Coupled with background noise as well, Love gave up correcting people or having to repeat herself three or more times. Growing up, deciding to not speak became a defence mechanism of sorts. When speaking, one cannot go back to edit or take the time that on can when writing letters.

With a rather quiet demeanour, it is hard for Love to get along with those in her age group due to being seen as weird or having difficulty continuing conversations. This also leads to awkward situations where sometimes she just goes with the flow, not interjecting or commenting. Though, elderly people seem to really adore her, seeing her as well mannered.

One of the things Love loves, is letters. Especially delivering. It allows her the chance to travel and clear her head. Although delivering letters has its perks, it can be heart breaking at times to see how recipients take receiving their mail. From expressions and actions hinting to excitement, to anger or sadness, being a postman is a profession that has made Love more empathetic and understanding of others and raised her awareness.



Wallflowers and lillies

Love was born an only child to a meteorologist and business man within a overly populated city. Although being born there, at 5 she was sent to live with her grandparents in their smaller, more quaint hometown that would grant a safe environment for a child to grow up in. Despite bullying and being isolated at times, Love didn't complain.

By the age of 14 she returned to the city life in order to complete her further education. Staying until the age of 19, she had taken up a few work opportunities but didn't enjoy the environment, particularly the loud noises that were constant both during the day and night.

An overgrown garden for two

Returning back to the country side, she currently resides with her grandparents in their two story home, with their postal service located on the first floor. People she once knew were surprised that she was back. Had it not been for distinguishing features, perhaps they wouldn't have known it was Love. But who are we kidding, gossip is thriving amongst the older folks. Ocassionally, her parents do visit to catch up and escape their daily lives. Though Love, well, loves them– they can be quite embarassing...

Accompanying her on her postal duties, is a Pekin duck. The duck was found terrorising villagers, stealing their things and attacking. Many say it was love at first sight when he saw Love, as he now vibes in her mail bag seeking her company. He's great at defending Love from pesky boys.

Work schedule

Monday - Wednsday: Letter delivery days

Thursday: Closed

Friday - Sunday: Parcel delivery days

Letters are only recieved from Thursday/Friday/Saturday for sorting

Parcels are only recieved from Thursday/Friday/Saturday and delivered the next day after recieving

Parcels can be arranged to be delivered on a specific date and time, but a week notice must be given. Likewise, letters can be express delivered, however they must be recieved the morning of delivery.

Design Notes

  • Love has iron deficiency anemia.
  • She does not have her ears pierced.
  • Wears very minimal jewellery, does wear her grandmothers old engagement ring however.
  • Has heterochromia, left eye is blue and right eye is brown. Isn't exactly bright, kinda dull in colour.
  • As a child had lighter blond hair, but became more of a dirty blond as an adult.
  • Colour pallettes often include brown/cream/white; with the addition of red in spring and summer; or blue during autumn and winter.
5'1" (154 cm)




anemone windflower / souvenir de la malmaison


frangipanis, english tea, clean linen




by veli




likes reading, knitting, writing
dislikes humidity, loud noises, repeating herself


roman love letter (virgin)






trivia / moodboard

  • Love has really pretty handwriting that is cursive but clear.
  • Lacto-ovo vegetarian (Anything but meat/poultry/fish itself)
  • When she considers someone a friend or more, she will try to knit them something; ranging from sweaters, scarves, gloves or blankets to show her appreciation for the person.
  • Is scared of pelicans.
    • She saw a pelican eat a rabbit. maybe that's why she stopped eating meat.
  • Her voice is a rather soft, posh British accent.
  • She also likes egg tarts, sponge cakes, gnocchi, and risotto.
  • If she was a bunny, she'd be a creme d'argent rabbit.
  • Not a fan of the beach, no beach episode...


"...about Love? Uhm... there are not enough words nor languages to describe how amazing she is. So... well, I hope that... never mind, don't make me say it. It's embarrassing."

yule's opinion of character

How do you describe the most wonderful person you've had the pleasure to meet? And... How do you even begin to describe how lucky you are that they chose you?

love's opinion of character


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

by macroura