


2 years, 4 months ago


age 19
gender female
pronouns she/her
orientation asexual
height 157 cm
build slim
occupation cult member
song info

designed by felixziee
species creator -
purchased from -
value 50$+
trade/resell no

  • wears makeup inspired by cult's entity
  • left-handed but was forced to use right hand
  • long fingers and nails (often broken) with multiple small cuts
  • scar on right forearm
  • torn right ear
  • fire burn scars on feet
  • skinny muscular body

Family situation

Mallory was born to avarage family in bigger city. Her parents weren't really rich and they were kinda despised. Her mother was blamed for witchery her whole life and father was trickster and thief. They lived in small cottage in the outskirts of the city. Mallory's mother died aborning and they lost their home.

After that, Mallory and her dad were outcasts, they were forced to leave their cottage and lived in canalizations. Mallory was called "the witch" or "the killer" and she had to hide out. Her father was often leaving her for long periods and with Mallory aging, he didn't come home at all. He always brought Mallory some stolen stuff and told her he was in the church when he came back.


5 years old Mallory had to survive by stealing various things like food, clothing, books and weapons. She learned how to read, fight, hunt and even swim by observing the city and with some help of kind people. But the other thought she really was a witch regarding how quickly she can learn and Mallory was despised even more. She stopped isolating herself when she was 10 and started to help street sellers, blacksmiths and seamstresses. She learned a lot and got food and clean clothes. Her dad sometimes came back and brought jewelery for her to sell.

the incident

Unfortunately, her dad was exposed and executed for thefts and counterfeits.14 y.o. Mallory was also wanted and all those kind people turned their back on her. After weeks of crawling in canalizations and eating garbage, Mallory was captured and set in jail. She was taken to be burned on the stake. But Mallory somehow managed to run away altought her feet were already burned. She fought with the guards, got her forearm scar and ran away. Last launched arrow torned her ear.

Mallory wandered through fields and forests without any treatment for days. She found small village, where she was taken in by some nice people. She was treated by them and lived there for a while. She helped them, trained and searched for the church her father was talking about. Before the news about her could spread through the village, she left. Mallory found the church and she hid around the village for some years. When she was 17, she appproached Alastor and joined the cult.

Alastor// superior

Mallory's job is to guard Alastor and the church from distance. She loves him for giving her this job and taking her in.

Letal// fellow cult member

He is always by Alastor's side and he seems to care about him, so Mallory can be at peace. He seems like a very trustworthy one, she believes he has a good heart.

Bhoot// fellow cult member

She's definitely a good kid, even if she drinks a little too much for her age. But that's not Mallory's thing. Mallory would like to protect her.

Brynhil// ???

This guy definitely knows something. He isn't cult member and seems to be Alastors good friend, but Mallory can clearly say he just pretends that he doesn't know anything.

Isaak// fellow cult member

He often steals Mallory's things, but even if it doesn't look like it, Mallory likes him.

Skretches// fellow cult member

There's something odd about this guy. He is nice and friendly but Mallory can say he isn't just a normal traveller.

Azai// fellow cult member

Mallory doesn't know much about him, but he seems to be ok.
