Cuprite- Amanita's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

skinny_box Global Rules

my tos, its pretty simple!


✔ re-trade, gift, re-sell characters if you don't want them anymore. no need to ask me for permission to do so, just go on!

  • for reselling, price them the amount you got them for (unless extra art has been added) but i don't really care if you choose a different price, just nothing ridiculous! (ex: you paid $5 for a character and you're reselling them for $50 with no additional art)
  • if character permissions state something different (ex: can't resell) then follow that! if the character permissions state that you can't retrade, gift or resell the character, then please come to me so i can change it for you! it was probably an issue on my part and i'll be happy to fix it for you! no biggie! :)

✔ redesign as freely as you want! i don't care if the redesign makes them look like a different character, its your character and i'm not going to limit your ability to redesign a character! i have no issue with this, so no need to stress! however, please don't delete their original design/image from their gallery or put yourself as the new creator! as long as you keep me as the creator of the design, i have no issue!

  • you may also take out a character out of its original fandom (ex: you buy a gem from me but decide to make them not a gem) thats fine! you can also do the opposite (ex: you buy a humanoid and decide to make them a gem). like i said, you can do whatever you want with the character!

✔ co-own my characters! if an issue happens to arise between the two owners then it should be resolved with the two creators, im not a part of it and don't expect to be part of any issues that happen!

✔ you can hide/authorize my designs. as much as i would like to always be able to see the characters i understand that sometimes people want privacy and may need to hide their characters, so it's understandable! you can always dm me a key to see the characters but this isn't required. it's your choice!


✖ remove the character from toyhouse. if you want to leave toyhouse please don't delete the character. rehome them and if you can't find someone to take them then please transfer them back to me! just don't delete them!!

✖ use my designs to promote anything harmful and weird. ex: racism, pedophilia, transphobia and so on! shit is fucking weird and i don't like it and neither does any sane person so just like?? no??

  • you can obviously make the character a bad person, just as long as you're not promoting any hate groups or justifying anything terrible with the character, you should be fine!

if you still have a question about something, please dm me and i'll be happy to help you out!