Tat'yana the Werewolf





  • NAME: Tat’yana
  • RACE: Former Human*
  • SEX: Female
  • AGE: 31
  • HEIGHT: 1,90 m
  • WEIGHT: 65 kg


  • Nightvision, increased sense of smell (similar to that of a wolf) and hearing.
  • Faster and stronger than most humans, can easily lift 200 kg
  • Sharp, hardened claws

>> PERSONALITY: Motherly and caring towards others, emphatic, but with strict manners and devotion to authority.

>> CURRENT STATUS: Drill Sergeant for the Wulfen Special Forces of the Avalon Agency.

>> BIO: Born from unknown parents, she was left as a baby to the care of an orphanage in North Ossetia, the reason why likely being the child’s hidden lycanthropic nature, which became apparent at the age of 13. With her chances of adoption reduced to zero, the owners of the Orphanage took sympathy for Tat’yana, taking care of her as if being her foster parents. Despite living there in secret, in the following years Tat’yana became of invaluable help for the orphanage; more children genetically prone to lycanthropy like her ended up in that very same orphanage in those years. She could use her own life experience to provide special care and guidance for them, so much so to effectively become a pack leader. Rumours about this “wolf orphanage” eventually reached the Agency’s attention, which intervened. Coercion was unnecessary since Tat’yana had long been wishing to stop hiding and see the rest of the world; she accepted the Agency’s offer to join the ranks of the Agency in the soon-to-be Wulfen Special Forces. She was drafted together with the rest of her pack and she’s been serving for 11 years now.

*ADDENDUM - Lycanthropes: Lycanthropes are likely among the most misunderstood creatures in the world, since many people still believe in old folklore about them, fearing them and persecuting them despite it being debunked by modern science and medicine...
First of all, they are not an actual species themselves, nor a curse that can be transmitted to other people; it has been discovered that they are in truth the result of a genetic mutation that is being passed down generation after generation in many different people. It is not yet known how or when this mutation happened, or why the same identical mutation can occur on completely different species, but all Lycanthropes have this mutated gene in their DNA. It's also worth mentioning that this gene usually lays dormant on most people, so they may never develop lycanthropy in their lives but still carry the mutation and pass it off to their children. When the gene does activate though, usually during puberty, the affected subject's body will start to slowly transform, showing more and more "feral" features that are uncommon for its species. Usually over the course of a year, claws, a tail and a muzzle full of sharp teeth are formed, plus a fur coating if the subject wasn't already naturally covered in fur, though the pre-existing fur color sometimes changes to match the dark colors sported by most Lycanthropes. The muscle fibers also begin to mutate and rearrange, growing stronger while the senses of smell, hearing and vision sharpen significantly, with the eyes in particular starting to glow unnaturally. Once they have reached full transformation, their overall appearance usually resembles that of a canine or feline creature, although other "beast-like" features have been observed.
Secondly, it's not true that Lycanthropes will go into a mindless, frenzied blood-lust once transformed. They in fact retain all their memories and identity intact, as well as control of their actions. Many have however admitted that there are seasons during the year in which new or previous instincts surge with augmented potency, like going in heat, increased salivation in response to the sight of meat or being more susceptible to hormones in general, and that they are particularly strong during full moons... but they still retain free will. It's therefore hard to know if any of the past cases of murder or other crimes attributed to them should are true or the result of mass hysteria...