


2 years, 3 months ago


Content Warning: Mentions of violence, drug use, child maltreatment, and criminal conduct; viewer discretion is advised.


Raphios Theodante

"What's the point in caring when this world never cared about me~?"

Basic information about him:

Species Classification: Popunemytmi || Link to Masterlist Entry.

Standing at 6'2'' tall and age 25 by the time he finally established a life outside of Sheol, Raphios is a haughty demon with one too many flaws. Commanding respect and cooperation only from those who must work under him in shady business, his disposition distances him from nearly everyone; and truly, only a fool would wish anything to do with him. Selfish and manipulative, his empathy for others wears thin if not nonexistent. Keeping the boredom away and chasing short term gratification at all times, the effects of his actions never come to mind as he will do however he pleases. In the most purified essence, he is remarkably a bastard in every way.

The most accurate head-cannon voice actor I know for his is Daisuke Namikawa, specifically his voice for Miki from Parasite.

Personality; him as a character:

Here are some songs that fit his theme very well: "Hollow Hunger" by OxT (also matches his singing voice well), "Smashing the Opponent" by Infected Mushroom, "Dioma [NCS Release]" by JNATHYN and "Military Fashion Show" by AND ONE.

Initially, it's genuinely hard to tell if he's really well calculated or just stupid. Raphios has simply been a cocky bastard for as long as anyone can remember, doing whatever he wants with little concern for the consequences. Whether he ever truly considers the impact of his actions on others or has zero empathy whatsoever is difficult to tell, even with those he appears to tolerate more than the rest. His selfish attitude and lack of regard for his surroundings awards disdain by all around him, yet in the criminal circle, makes him the best chairman for grand scheming. Despite his carelessness and seemingly impulsive nature, he gained the respect of many a peer on the streets and underground communities, managing to pull off the most daunting tasks. However, the day he eventually miscalculated his surroundings would be his last, mortally.


Story; expand sections:

Prologue: Childhood

Back during his youth, for a good period, Ruciel was gentle and softhearted, finding interest in the most mundane of things as a child—for that was all he had access to. While his parents screamed at each other in the rooms nearby, he'd find himself lost in his imagination day in and day out. Playing indoors with old and worn out toys or staring up at the skies from the family's very thin parcel of lawn, he'd even befriend the cockroaches that scurried throughout the night. Typical days were filled with the white noise of a television constantly playing in the background, sinks and counters covered in molding dishes, and scraps to live off of sourced from a half functional fridge aside from the rare occasion of Papa Theodante bringing home the cheapest takeout. Despite a house that reeked of deterioration, the bare minimum of food on the table, and parents that only seemed to bicker when anywhere near sober, his pure mind would find a way to look beyond all of it. Maybe times were better before he could remember, but as things only seemed to worsen, he tried his hardest to see the bright side; and for a long while, that made him through to adolescence.

Despite the increasing toxicity of his environment and his parents' continued neglect, one day would turn over a new and seemingly brighter chapter in his life. When finally granted the ability to venture into the world of public school, he would be met with a terrain of disorder and rule breaking, ultimately leading to his involvement in some way whether by choice or force. However, despite the ramifications of his impoverished origins, his life would lift with hope when a few other underdogs invited him into their circle. Never given the chance to know others from similar situations to relate and sympathize with before, this group and the school would ultimately become more of a home to him than his real one; and so he would actively look forward to the very moment he could burst through the door without a word and sprint off to the growingly decrepit building half a mile down the neighborhood streets. Without looking back, for nearly half the day if not more, he never felt more alive than when away from the slurry of smoke, alcohol, infestation and degeneration that was behind him.

In-between classes and during lunch, the small group would muse about a brighter future, tightening their bond with shared hopes and dreams. Knowing his parents wouldn't even notice, after school Ruciel would hang around with the bunch even into the evening if not later. It was these days that his mind would ruminate on the longest, the mere thought giving him a smile despite his reality. When met with either no response or snappy irritation from either parent, if not complete apathy, his presence never felt more acknowledged than around his humble friends. Simply no connection was stronger than the ones he felt toward them; the camaraderie and support he shared unlike anything he'd ever had before. And as he matured and continued to grow more independent, so did the strife and tension between his parents simply because of awareness, making his reliance on his connections even stronger. Trying his best to bury the anger and resentment he began to feel as an emotionally abandoned child, some nights he would simply break down and cry because he never felt loved. Though this cruel realization would surely be the least to come in his future.

By senior year, nearly everyone knew his name and would even tip their heads with respect in his presence—as no matter how difficult a time his bullies gave him, Ruciel never lashed back and instead would even offer a helping hand when the circumstances switched. He had simply been there for so long that all his underclassmen knew his kind heart, and for all the love and care he wished he received, he instead had shown to others. Even his now old group of friends would finally be among those admired. The path to claiming a life of his own and forgetting the rocky road behind him seemed so close and obtainable, feeling as though his school were rooting for him all the while. However, slipping under his awareness was the grand scheme going on behind his back, and little did he know what was to come the day he sat down to a table of absolute silence, every look he received one of great judgement and contempt.

What was going on? He surely asked himself as he sat beside his family. What he'd later find out that very same day was atrocious, and more shocking, the blame for it had been placed onto him. Soon his seats changing and the only one sitting before him being the very principal of the school, a paper slid across the table over him with the all the signature lines signed except one. Printed on the document was his expulsion, and as confusion and fear plagued his heart, the principal revealed his friends' doing with the belief that he was to blame. Absolutely distraught and helpless to convince them otherwise, he walked out the door to see his family all laughing at him as the rest of his underclassmen glared at him, seeing the very home he cherished crumble within the blink of an eye. During that half walk mile back, his heart boiled and his hands balled into fists. 

"Did they ever really care about me? We were the best of friends for years and even cried together through the troubling times. It felt as if we had something truly special, something so close... However, the moment it befitted them, they turned their backs on me and threw me under the bus just to save themselves. I knew, in that moment as I glared into their eyes, they felt nothing as they took everything from me." His friends' betrayal the final straw that broke the camel's back, he flew into a flight of rage, returning home to say his final goodbyes to a negligent family and packing all his belongings. Grown tired of searching for love from others, he instead thought, "If no nobody else was going to care about me, then only I can give myself that love..." And with that, he'd enter the streets on his own with a vehemently bitter complexion.

The spiral into a shadow of his former self would begin that day.

The next arc in his life would be a battle against want versus need as he set out on his own, leaving everything he knew behind in search for identity and ultimately a life of his own when barely age seventeen. His heart broken beyond mere repair as memories of the past turned to daggers inside him, he couldn't understand what he did wrong; the same question he'd beg before his parents now with those he truly believed were family. While his hopes were shattered, a part of him believed this next step in his life would bring promise. Out on the streets of Evanlos City, he'd seek work with the local businesses around, his luck initially slim until one old man running a gas station passed the hopeless boy, Mr. Mitch, his kindness lending Ruciel some shelter in a room at the cost of working tirelessly from dawn till well after midnight. For nearly a year, this gave him some time and stability to ruminate on the next direction he wished to take with his life, eventually withdrawing from the job later to search for somewhere better.

Often finding himself sleeping on the streets again as he wandered aimlessly, securing a steady source of adequate food and water become a whole new issue on his hands as relying on the grace of strangers only would only pull him through for so long. When met with increasing starvation, the older teen began to debate his own morals as by this time, he had already become a witness to much criminality within a short time. He came to realize that if he turned to thievery, he would no longer need to worry about the oncoming sharp pains of lacking enough to sustain himself. While he never imagined himself straying from his lawful good nature, he'd come to convince himself it was for survival. In hindsight, a slippery slope it would become, he began stealing from vendors when the opportunity arose. Though most of the time, initially, this would lead to trouble as sometimes he'd even get caught and beaten by some bolder than most.

As it became clearer that the rest of the world would be no less cold, seeing his sorrows and struggles ignored by all those who passed him by, he had began to internalize the idea that nobody else cared about him; that put simply, no one would care about him. From his own family, the few he considered his closest friends, to the strangers he shared glances with, he came to slowly accept this fate of feeling invisible and insufficient to everyone he knew. Maybe the gas station owner was a brief exception, one he would remember fondly, yet once again was such kindness fleeting. With that, it would also become easier to take from others, viewing them as the same black and white characters as he believed himself to be seen as. His sympathy for others was not completely lost yet, however, but as he prioritized survival over the values he once held closest, his moral strife would wane as he viewed his crimes as a means to a reasonable end.

His moral compass surely degrading as he betrayed his former beliefs of doing good and following the rules, he began to find comfort and security for once as he established a steady routine. Coming to know the taste of thrill as successfully pulling off these endeavors would sharpen his prowess, he took pleasure in reaping the rewards as never before had he experienced more wealth. Taking rest in the shadows, birds of the feather would begin flocking, taking notice of the young and aspiring criminal and watching as Raphios became more and more proficient at his craft; taking from others with less and less hesitation. Each time he stole the bread or pick-pocketed the unobservant, the internal backlash lessened and the growing excitement clouded his original focus—survival. Little did he realize the change happening within him, as breaking the rules had now become his sport; and others with true malice would see potential.

One could said that the hatred he received for his survival seeped into his heart and poisoned it, and he would become one hooked to the instant gratification that a life of crime would reward him. Into adulthood, his criminal plans only grew more elaborate and he got better at getting what he wanted—without cost. However, one day would come along when he'd finally realize that there was indeed, a price. Unfortunately for him, luck was not at his behest when he was eventually caught ... and shot.


Relationships; the ones most significant to him:

Hae-min Yeong | Friend?

Hae-min is perceived as an innocent yet lost soul to him, far too trusting and—to him in particular—far too kind. While in Raphios' time, he's met a few with seemingly well meant intentions initially, time and time again would his default reluctance to ever trust reveal relief once they removed their masks later at some point. For as long as he can remember, he believed this was purely out of being so unlikable and superficial to others that one could simply see no wrong in stepping over him as a matter of course. However, Hae-min appears to look beyond this and displays shockingly great faith in him, even so far as wishing for a genuine friendship with the older Popunemytmi. Nevertheless, Raphios' skepticism and general lack of trusting has placed him in a grey area around the boy, feeling unsure of his real opinions on him. TBC

Brimstone | Crush

His motivations with Brimstone were uncertain for some time, the line between selfish gain and genuine interest seems blurred upon their initial meeting. In the beginning, he was viewed a nuisance alongside a familiar face, Hae-min, though Raphios slowly came to realize he was amusingly reactive to all his teasing. Brim's near reliable ability to bite the bait every time would lead to his developing investment in the ill-tempered reaper, pestering him to no end at every opening. However, as their time around one another began to grow, his inclination to see self-fulfillment in him lessened as little did he realize the slightest sense of care starting to well within him. From there, he continues following Brim to not only understand him, but as well as himself. TBC

✪ By far the best nickname for him yet has been "moronic llama," given to him by Brim personally.

  • With regards to his hair and wings, he takes his modesty very seriously and while always striving to keep his hair in shape, he will spend hours at a time preening his wings to make sure they remain pristine.
  • While he can easily take advantage and act carelessly around others for his own good, should he feel anything genuine towards someone, he'll display far more hesitation and even embarrassment. He's just typically not used to opening up in any way when it comes to the heart.
  • He is surprisingly self conscious of his body image, compensating for this insecurity by maintaining a perfect look where his outfit, his hair and wings are all meticulously prepped.

What does he like?

  • Thrill; be it in the form of an experience or the emotion in its entirety, he takes pleasure in chasing a good time.
  • Attention; whether it's on him or he's getting a reaction out of others, nothing entertains him more than being the center of any stage and figuring out makes others... tick.
  • Luxurious fashion; he will surely spend hundreds if not thousands on the next best look, taking great care in maintaining an elegant and respectable look.
  • Sweets and gourmet desserts; nothing appeases him more than a delicious cake or chocolate, his sweet tooth likely from never having much access to sweets back during his youth.
  • Animals; despite his apathetic and self-indulgent attitude around other people, he will display warmth toward any creature that allows him close, admiring of the fact that unlike humanity, they're simpleminded beings that bear no hatred or selfishness—only the desire to survive.

What does he dislike?

  • Feeling vulnerable in any way; it's neither easy nor comfortable for him to ever feel like he's revealing his genuine feelings or anything personal about himself. He feels as though his vulnerability will be taken advantage of or worse, betrayed in the form of a figurative blade driven into him as his trust could be broken once more.
  • Drugs and smoke; though his lifestyle surrounds him with it, he himself will never personally touch anything of the sort. He knew his parents were lost to the sort, so in a way, it disgusts him to ever stoop so low as to become just like them.

  • Unless stated otherwise, please generally draw him with all his Popunemytmi traits as he rarely disguises any of his features. He'll only sometimes hide his horns simply because it complicates some situations for obvious reasons.
  • If wishing to draw him in a different outfit than his usual wear (seen in his main reference), know that he loves to wear formal and fancy fashion! However, on less often occasions will he wear clothes of a more punk aesthetic.
  • The lorans (eyes) inside his llama ears may be drawn round or oblong in oval shape as seen in other drawings, it's up to preference!

This profile is subject to change as I, the creator, am always learning more about my characters! ヾ(^∇^)