


6 years, 6 months ago


Wolves Don't lose Sleep
Over the opinions of sheep 

Name [Remus Loup-Garou]
height [6'5"]
Build [Very Muscular]
masterlist [105]
Gender [Female]
status [Legendary]
orientation [Bi]
worth [£35]
bondmate [Asmodeus]


"If They stand behind you, protect them. If they stand beside you, respect them. If they stand against your, defeat them."

Born to a large and rather wild seeming family, this female as as wild as the the world she grew up in. A twin to a brother named Romulous, and another brother Fenrir. This fierce lady has quite the temper, and you don't want to see what happens when its pushed to its limits. 

She's extremely loyal and family oriented. You cause harm to anyone she considered family and your life will be likely to be a very short one indeed. She will protect those she loves and cares about with her life, and if its her vs you she will most certainly come out the victor, especially if the rest of her family joins in. 

Domineering, she knows her place in the clan and holds it with a savage sort of dignity. Her family calling their small clan Pack. Recently she's met a lovely golden and black alpha she's claimed as her own mate. He seems to enjoy testing his limits and pushing her buttons... and she most certainly pushes back. 

He'll learn soon enough just who it is thats in charge... and it isn't him.


Remus' golden pelted mate. A pushy male that sometimes needs to be put in his place, but he doesn't mind that fact as much as he tends to act like he does. Loves him a great deal and would tear anyone apart who dares to lay a hand on him that isn't her. 
Son. One of her first three children with Asmodeus. 
Daughter. A confident female with a fiesty attitude and a tad mean. 
OG Fur. Son, and runt of the litter. A beautiful golden son that is a little smaller then his siblings. He can sometimes be a little meek, but as he grows he grows to have a quick wit and mischievous mind. 
Character Name
Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.
Character Name
Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.
Father. A large and dark male who's very large and savage. Dedicated to his family, but known to go into rages from time to time. 
Remus' twin sibling. Romulous is far more meek and shy compared to the rest of the rather rambunctious family and can sometimes feel overshadowed. However, the family still loves them a great deal, and Romulous is still the one Remus comes to when she needs to talk. The two still very close. 
Brother to Remus and Romulous and far more tempermental and challenging. Born an alpha, he and Remus have both been nwon to fight and argue quit viciously when they get into things. He also suffers from his fathers rages sometimes. However, Remus and Fenrir can fight like mad, but still tend to each others wounds after the fact and even give advice for the next fight that will no doubt be around the corner. 
Hati & Skoll 
Fenris' Twins/Children. More TBD.
Character Name
Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.
Character Name
Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.
Character Name
Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.
Character Name
Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.
Character Name
Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.
Character Name
Ut non dictum augue. Curabitur viverra venenatis neque, eu faucibus purus commodo ac. Ut et elit diam. Integer vitae semper justo. Vivamus pellentesque porta felis nec imperdiet. Nam interdum nisi quis sem cursus, vitae posuere neque interdum.