


9 years, 5 months ago


【 Name 】 Gabrian Blackwood 【 Called 】 Gabe
【 Age 】 Looks around early 30s 【 D.o.B. 】 Sometime, somewhere
【 Gender 】 Male 【 Orientation 】 Bisexual
【 Western Zodiac 】 Cancer 【 Chinese Zodiac 】 Snake
【 Species 】 Mer Hybrid 【 Subspecies 】 Nix
【 Danger Lvl 】 ✦✧✧✧✧ 【 Assoc. Danger Lvl 】 ✦✦✦✦✦
【 Status 】 Welp 【 Theme 】 link a song

46773_1BT7qSYdLNM6H5r.png?1424702644 Gabrian's unwillingness (to various degrees of success, of course, since after all, deep down Gabrian is actually a complete social butterfly ATTEMPTING to not be one - this is likely not going well) to form lasting bonds with other people seems to stem from the fact he views himself as a bit of a failure in general. His father was rather disappointed in him; his flamboyant personality, looks and actions have not won him any points in his father's eyes, and the fact he favors music and pedagogy over actual 'work' really does not sit well. While Gabrian maintain a high living status just for his connection to his family, it's clear he is estranged and does not get along well with his relatives.

It's mostly due to a palpable fear that he's trying his damn-est to maintain an elegant facade in an attempt to hide said (possibly non resistant). It's much easier to trick people when one holds them at arm's length than trying to keep yourself from slipping around those that you've become attached to. At the same time, Gabrian is no where near as mentally strong as he would like some people to think, and as such, he often (re: practically always - it's near impossible to walk around with a mask) falls prey of emotions. He finds himself caring about those that bother to spend time with him and persist on keeping him company. He's a social butterfly, and rather silly when given half the chance. Aka... he's going to slip up sooner than later and not even notice.

Gabrian is, in fact, a relaxed, easy-going fellow. He has mischievous or silly moments around those he trusts, and seems far more natural around them. While he's still polite, and perhaps a touch 'uppity', it swiftly becomes apparent he's a bit of a charming, flamboyant goofball. In fact, Gabrian is as much attracted to tooth-achingly cute things as he is to elegant jewelry and clothes; perhaps even more so. Needless to say, he tries very hard to keep that aspect of himself hidden and stashed away in the safety of his home, but it's extremely hard for him not to react when something cute is shoved his way. His reactions to such situations will range from a brusque, obviously out of place retreat to... actually giving into his need to hold and possibly hug the cute offender. Said offenders can range from pets, to items, to actual people much to his chagrin. Then again, he's proud that he's probably one of few people that is able to walk across town holding a relatively cute fuzzball in his arms and still manage to look relatively regal doing so.



Charisma Kindess
Temper Patience
Intelligence Judgment
Integrity Confidence
Maturity Humour


✚ WATER He feels a need/pull to be near water; if there's a lake/river/whathaveyou nearby and he's not being forced to sit in class, you can bet your arse he's going to be there, possibly playing his violin/guitar. His need to be near water is so great that rather than sleep in human-like form, Gabrian usually chooses to sleep inside a rather large 'fish tank' inside his room, in serpent form. He's a rather good swimmer, and seems to have an ease where music is concerned - he seems to favor the violin and the guitar, but given time and practice, would be able to pick up other instruments. While not very inclined towards battle, he is still a predator, can hunt for food in serpent form and can live out in the wild. Gabrian will usually tend to try to avoid conflict, and is very much not prone to violence, but can hold his own when push comes to shove... so long he is able to shift or use his powers; he is otherwise rather weak in his human form, and not trained for battle. He tends to gain an advantage when fighting in watery environments, though again, Gabrian is quite obviously more a lover than a fighter. He would much rather talk or trick his way out of a situation than fight someone physically.

If it's verbal banter however, he'll be quite happy to engage.

✚ TRUE NAME Gabrian true name is unknown, and it is binding to him. When used by someone, they can control him, and force him into contracts with Fae-like qualities (he can't cheat himself out of them or manipulate them to his advantage - not that he usually does, but still).

Names have power, as far as Gabe's concerned and if it's ever learned, he does his best to erase it from people's memories in exchange for a service.

Other information can be found Here


Gabrian was the product of trickery and deceit. His mother was lured to the surface by a pretty face and even prettier words, only to find out once the deed had been done that her paramour was, in fact, a demon. Despite this, and risking isolation, she raised Gabrian as best she could, though there came a moment in time when the merpian could no longer keep the illuvian child; it was either take him away from his till then home... or risk the child's health and well being.

He was still rather young when he left his mother, choosing to remain in wyrm form within the lakes, making a capable living out of hunting the fish and stray animals that dropped nearby for a drink. It is likely that many-a-rumor of monsters in the lakes might have originated with people spotting his serpentine form within the murky waters.

When he felt himself capable of emerging from the lake, he made his way towards human settlement and life, finding charming his way to the top not all that hard. A few contracts here and there made sure he was soon enough settled for life in the money department, allowing him to live a rather lovely, almost high end human life. He seems pleased with his lot in life, though he does carry with him severe abandonment issues and the notion he simply just... isn't good enough, due to the fact his own people do not want him. Alligator river has become his home, and he owns a nice house on the outskirts of Manns Harbour.

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