


2 years, 4 months ago


yOU'RE looking kinda ROUGH, Cowboy !

You're unnatural, babe!

NAME Charlie-Charlie
AGE content
OCCUPATION Drug dealer
THEME content


Charlie-Charlie is a very outgoing, loud and friendly person. They know everything and everyone on the space station and can find you anything you need or want, whether it be legal or not. You can often find them in wild clandestine parties where they have a reputation. Positive? Negative? Who knows ! But they are known in the entire underground sphere of the space station.

LIKES Partying HARD, Cowboys, content, content, content
DISLIKES Meticulous tasks, content, content, content, content



They are a humanoid alien with feline-like features like their eyes, pointier ears, and harder and sharper nails and teeth. Half of their hair is buzzed the other one is long with a dark red to yellow gradient. Her left arm has been replaced with a mechanical one, she got it cut of when she was high and drunk because someone told her that they could replace it with a 'GREAT NEW CYBERNETICS TECH' and they CLEARLY did NOT do that. Design of the prothesis may vary but I insist on it being really unpractical and clunky. They like to wear clothes that hint at their interest for cowboys, like jackets with fringes , cowboy boots, hats, etc etc.. They also switch a lot between skirts and pants, as long as they can move comfortably they'd wear it. They would also TOTALLY wear flip flops with socks.


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This is your last ride ever, forever. Fill up your lungs - feel better? Look - it's you, good as new: new hands, new throat, new living tissue. You earned this new purpose...Lifetime achievement award! Don't be nervous, baby, we put a billion eyes back on you. From the grave to the stage You're unnatural, babe! You are dead and buried, you are dead! Oh no! That's being revised! Even as we speak we're synthesizing blood and organs, synthesizing heart and soul! Even Katy Perry knows you're dead! Oh no! Won't she be surprised! When we get your heart to start tomorrow, when you see the chart tomorrow you'll be number one! Oh no, oh no...

Due to my strong personal convictions, I wish to stress that this record in no way endorses a belief in the occult. Due to my strong personal convictions, I wish to stress that this record in no way endorses a belief in the occult. Due to my strong personal convictions, I wish to stress that this record in no way endorses a belief in the occult.


14459872?1643230880 Amadeus

He can always spot new people on the space station, and Amadeus is not an exception. He saw this pathetic little trongle and was like "Oh I NEED to know what its deal is." Its impossibly high standards are something that ticks him off and worries him at the same time. Charlie never had a schedule or a boss before and this is not going to change with "the first random guy who's too stuck up to handle a little uncertainty and if it thinks it can change that then it can go f- oh it has never been treated in any other way ok no yeah let's back up a bit." He think its a nerd and he looooves to annoy it a little, just for fun.

14601267?1643835570 Roomie

Charlie-Charlie's roommate. They work together, CC is bringing them raw stardust, they treat it, and then CC sells it. They do not speak a lot but they have a pretty good relationship, Roomie being Charlie's place of calm and Charlie being their link to the outside world. They really appreciate each other for that. Sometimes CC will sit next to the hole of their wall and they will write each other little papers to talk about anything that goes through their minds :)


When they see us holding hands, they wish that they were geeks in love. And when they hear our favorite bands, they wish that they were geeks in love. We rattle off our injokes while they wish that they were geeks in love. And while we make each other smile, they wish that they were geeks in love!



code by icecreampizzer