Cupid (Cupid | AU |)



1 year, 4 months ago



Cupid LoveLust
Far beyond his expirition date
Demon of Love (Rhelicha mythos)
Menace to society
264 cm


The first impression for others is usually that something is a bit off about him, then people get to know the affable and even affectionate demon, which can lead to many either lowering their guard or deciding that he is actually not that bad. However all you need is to be in the right circumstances and you'll understand that it can be dangerous to believe Cupid isn't a threat. He's a shamelessly selfish person who doesn't deeply care about a lot of things, including a lot of people.

At a first glace, Cupid seems intimidating, even occasionally uncanny, yet perpetually relaxed. Like a threatening, powerful crime syndicate leader that you caught in a good mood. The slow and smooth way he turns his head and stares at you with relaxed, yet piercing eyes, makes it easy to assume that he fears no one. And honestly, you'd be quite right.
Cupid is usually pretty friendly, but it has a habit of seeming almost like a facade. It's hard to pinpoint and yet it feels like something is off. That doesn't mean that Cupid is impolite or doesn't go out of his way for others. No, he's rather accomodating, affable and overall just easy to converse and be around. He enjoys company and loves listening to people talk, especially about their passions. About what they love.

He cares about people's feelings, or well, more specifically what they love. Not so much the rest, to be honest. One would be right in estimating that Cupid cares less about individuals and more about their capabilities and what they do. Specifically what they do in terms of love. Who or what do thye love? How do they go about it? How do they show it? How does that change the way they behave?
The love doesn't have to be romantic at all, the love of a craft, familiar love, platonic love, erotic love-- Oh, how Cupid adores them all!
It's one of the few things he actually cares about, that actually interests him and that drives him to act. It's one of the things that he loves. In fact, Cupid cares not much of it's healthy or unhealthy. If it's constructive or destructive love. Why would he be mad at someone killing in the name of love? Isn't that awfully pure, awfully intense? The passion. The raw drive, the want, the need. Cupid understands the beauty int he tragic, in the ugly, in what others hate and deplores. But also what they adore, waht they worship, what has bound worlds together. It's what he truly cares about above anything else. His hobby, his work, his life's meaning.
Due to his selfish self-centered world-view and his love for love, he sees it as more than reasonable for himself to meddling into other's business. Cupid uses his soul-weapon, a gun, to shoot at people he deems "not good enough" or "could need a push", innfecting them with a little love boost to help "motivate them". The issue is just that his love, as a greater demon, is a bit too intense for others. As such, the surge of love can be blinding, overwhelming, all consuming. Most of the time, this has some sort of negative consequence, like creating obsessed stalkers or romance-motivated killers. It's an all-consuming fire that burns to be let out. Those who make it out safe will not neccesarily even say it was a positive. But for Cupid, it surely was.

Cupid rarely feels a deeper love for individuals specifically. He might enjoy the concept of them, what their story is and so on, but less them as people. Others who have seen him and known him for years even say it's hardly possible. How can a being that loved for so long and been surrounded by love so much, really be so non affectionate towards others, if it was in his abilities to care for others?


  • Love - any and all kinds
  • Romantic gestures (he finds them endearing if done sincerely) - if there's no emotion in it, he doesn't care much for it
  • Dressing up really fancily
  • Watching other people
  • Nighttime
  • Moons
  • Having his fluff brushed/groomed/dried
  • Cooler temperatures
  • People who know what they want and who shamelessly chases it


  • His plans being stopped. He'll accept it of course, but he'll be a bit miffed
  • Getting wet/drenched/overheated
  • People incapable of feeling any type of love

Important Info

Blood Color: Yellow

  • NSFW art of any kind is fine with Cupid!

  • Wings are optional!

Songs for inspiration:

Cupid's CRP playlist


  • Cupid's job, in his opinion, is to find people who needs to be shot. He's a hitman, and his client is himself. He doesn't shoot around like a trigger-happy fool though, instead he spends a lot of his time following people around while invisible and getting to know their lives. Once he has found people who are well overdue for a lil shooting, he'll think about what person and when, would be the "best". The "best" is very subjective to him and really depends on how he feels about the person he is thinking of shooting. Sometimes he shoots out of care, other times out of spite. Either way is probably not good
  • Cupid has had a good chunk of lovers, but never shows interest in people until they are in love with him. He doesn't so much love people, but he does love love. and if you love him and he makes your love go higher, he would see no reason not to indulge you. After all, he's enjoying it too. Usually these affairs end kind of mixed. The most merciful one is that people fall out of love with him, when he doesn't really seem to return the same as what they feel. Cupid in turn lets them return to their previous life. He doesn't much mind people naturally falling out of love, though he hopes they find something to be passionate about again soon.

Magical Powers

  • He has wings, which he doesn't really seem to fly with. What he does however, is teleport or become invisible, by letting the large wings impossibly wrap around him in a sort of yellow, glowing cocoon, which then scatters into tiny moths, that then dissapears into specs of dust and then nothing. The process itself happens in almost the blink of an eye, so you have to watch closely to see the details of it.
  • Can sense people's love, be that any kind of love. He cannot tell what people specifically love or not in an instant, but he can tells how your affection rises as you do different things and from there figure out what you enjoy and what you do not.
  • Cupid can shoot magic bullets filled with his own love. In theory, he could make the doses much less lethal and maybe actual helpful, but he doesn't want to. He likes seeing people overflow with love.

Physical Powers

  • Despite his magic bullets that can find their target, Cupid is actually a really good at shooting precise
  • Doesn't need to breathe
  • Cupid can heal any part of his body given that he doesn't bleed out, which is the only way to kill him


Information about Cupid is limited.

Cupid isn't a cryptid that is well known, more a 'if you know, then you know'. You can't really find anything on him and him being able to telelport and turn invisible makes him hard for most to track. That doesn't mean he goes unnoticed by te higher powers in this supernatural world.
For some reason him and Slenderman in particular are in touch. It's an odd relationship - the two does not have a lot in common, especially in terms of personality. Initially it would seem like they are out of tune, that Cupid is only there to pester and annoy Slenderman, and yet they are uncomfortably in sync when they need to be. When faced with an issue and there's a need to be serious, they are.

Cupid often travels though, so they only see each other now and then and even when Cupid is around, Slenderman doesn't prefer to have him in the mansion for too long at a time. The rest of the time however, Cupid stalks people to figure out whom he should target next with his bullets. He mostly does lone remote work, but whenever he is done with one of his "projects", he'll take some time to relax or socialize.




Cupid enjoys his company. He knows the feeling is mutual.

Though Slender often tells him to leave, he can tell that they get along. Like he's Slender's embarrasing teenage friend. To be fair, they do go way back, so that's not too odd.

He knows why he isn't allowed around Slender's mansion much and he mostly respects the boundaries put in place.

1) He's problematically deceptive and can be hard to understand for vulnerable, trusting individuals.

2) Slender is still bitter about the fact that Cupid shot him once. Why, that's why Slender collected this place, why he went from a threatening, cold creature with little care to whom he slaughtered, to suddenly take care of those who suffered around him. It's a secret kept between the two that Cupid won't ever tell anyone but he knows. He knows that Slender both appreciated it in ways and hated it. Oh, the burden of feeling love.
To make up for it, Cupid has been respectfully keeping his distance for a while, genersouly respected Slender's boundaries and first in recent times really started to hang out again.




Raz is what Cupid considers a wonderful person. A very close to complete and perfect little being! Full of love, very expressive in that love! What moe could you ask for?
Well, Cupid would like it for Raz to have an easier time sharing those emotions, so if his emotionally stale pal there, Jeff, could like, not be as uninteresting as 5 days old french fries, then maybe that'd be nice! Who knows!




They jab at each other physically and verbally - neither of them really like each other. Cupid thinks Jeff isn't being passionate enough, but on the other hand he of course recognizes that he doesn't seem thaaaat passionate either. Can't spend what you don't have. He does havea potential though! See, he really seems to like violence and killing! But Cupid gets the sense he isn't allowed to pursue that to its full, beautiful extend because of Slender. Bummer! He'd try encourage it, but if Jeff noticed it, he'd do the opposite jsut to spite him and if Slender noticed-- phew. No thanks!













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