


2 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Creation Date

January 1, 2022


Asagi is a small kitsune spirit who wishes for a shrine to call her own and a purpose that she can devote her life to. She wants to be someone worth believing in.
Each of her nine tails represents a struggle or trauma that was overcome in her past lives through resolve and perseverance.

Asagi inhabits a small abandoned shrine in a public forested park, frequented by students to hangout after school. The shrine was home to a lesser kami, who mysteriously vanished and left the shrine dormant. Asagi later moved in, and took notice at all the kids that would hang around the area. She would come to find that many of them would accidentally leave their belongings behind. Without much to do, and no one to pray to her to allow her any more strength, she began collecting these items and placing them near the shrine. 

Eventually, these kids would find their lost belongings at the shrine, and would leave unique offerings at the shrine as thanks for whoever found their things. This would be the first time Asagi felt a spark, the spark that indicated to her that this was something worth doing, not because she finally had someone who believed in her, but it just felt right.