peter laurence



2 years, 3 months ago


o dulcinea!

"To dream the impossible dream..."

— Man of La Mancha

› Name

peter laurence
› Gender

usually male (genderfluid)
› Pronouns

› Birthday

june 17th
› Height



  • planes
  • blue
  • 80s pop/dance music
  • art/drawing
  • Jesus


  • mushy textured foods
  • kale & spinach
  • cars
  • the beach... sand
  • graphic imagery






Let's go it over. To put it simply, Peter is an empathetic fool. He usually only sees the best in a person; however, it also means he can overlook blatant flaws. He’s always had trouble understanding and engaging with people. Thus, naturally, he spends much of his time trying to surround himself with individuals so he can better socially develop. Lots of misunderstanding and general avoidance of uncomfortable subjects do not help his goal to understand social cues better.

He aims to make true friends, which can be difficult when he stumbles over words and sentences at times. His optimism that he’ll find them eventually tides him over in the meantime. The amount of cards and gifts and friendliness he hands out to everyone he meets is sure to attract them somehow. Sometime.

In spite of his general bright demeanor, his attitude has a small underlying melancholy. Why don’t people like him? Is he not kind enough? How does he speak without tripping over words and embarrassing himself? His actions are always undercut by self-doubt, and little confidence. Hopefully he’ll feel better if he manages to get a good friend or two.

Surprisingly, he has a small but very important set of moral points he closely adheres to. He’s related these to religious ideals (Catholicism primarily since that was the sort of town he was raised in) but those same townies dislike him. He’s never read the Bible in its entirety, and he misunderstands big parts of the religion in all. Nevertheless, he still strongly believes what he believes. Peter can be easily swayed on small topics, but it takes a strong amount of persuasion to nudge him out of these convictions (if at all).

Overview | Miscellaneous

Peter’s a shapeshifter; he can shift form into living beings he’s familiar with, such as different people or animals (or creatures..?). Inanimate objects or nonliving things not included. If he wanted to resemble someone or something specific (already existing) he’d have to be very aware of how they look in order to embody a resemblance. The ability consumes energy, like any type of physical exercise.


picture of his watch LOL