


6 years, 7 months ago



Stonefeather is a sweet guy who will put everyone before himself. He loves kits and hopes that he can have a family of his own more than anything else. He can be a tad sensitive, like a lot. Since he is so kind, he doesn't process that not everyone is as kind as him and it takes him back when someone is rude. He isn't always sensitive, especially not during battle or when dealing with other Clans. It's just his clanmates that can hurt him the easiest. He is brave and honest but he can also be ambitious. He doesn't normally get angry or frustrated with his clanmates, so if he ever gets angry at you, you must have done something terribly wrong. He is generous and fair, loving peace over war. He always feels the need to prove himself to everyone. You must think that he's a pretty depressing cat to be around but he's not. He is usually happy, charismatic, charming and friendly. He loves talking to other cats and making closer friends. He's gentle and sympathetic to other's feelings and needs, but not just in his own Clan. But he would never sacrifice the well-being of his clan to save another; He only helps when he can. He is not one for deceit, usually telling people everything straight up with no lies or hidden truths. He believes that everyone should know the truth and decide for themselves what to do with it but he would never announce that his clan is weak.