


2 years, 4 months ago




"le soleil se lèvera à nouveau. peu importe à quel point les choses peuvent sembler sombres, ne perdez jamais espoir. tout ira bien."

gender female
pronouns she/her
age 21 yrs.
birthday febuary 23
sexuality bisexual
s/o lucha & jamie
height 5'2"
alignment neutral good
occupation photographer
nationality french
did you miss me.. when i was gone?
of course. each and every day, i missed you.
i'm sorry.. really.
it's in the past now, darling. it was a dark point in time, but now the sun is shining again.
are you sure?
i promise i am. but.. jamie-?
please.. don't ever leave me again.
extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
polite sassy
deceptive sincere
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
lone wolf team player
mbti infp-t
archetype the innocent
leading trait optimistic
biggest flaw pushover

design notes

  • long, fluffy hair that she takes very good care of. it can get messy easily, but she loves to style it.
  • round glasses and two hair ribbons. also wears a choker with a bell on it.
  • soft grunge fashion. loves big flannels, plaid skirts, and overalls.
  • her left thigh is bandaged to cover a scar. she is very clumsy and has many little bruises and scars.
  • likes to wear winged eyeliner and peach lipstick. she usually paints her nails black or light green.
  • a little chubby and quite curvy. she has big thighs with stretch marks and a soft tummy.


kixe was born in saint-malo, france. she lived there with her two mothers until she was 11 and then moved to the college town of lucifee, colorado. she remained enrolled in a multilingual school until she was 14, where she was taught in french. due to this, she struggled to learn english for a long while and still has some trouble as an adult. during this time, she met her best friend and eventual lover, jamie rodgers, who lived just down the street. eventually, she entered into high school where she met the rest of her friends (as well as a certain pretty boy who helped her find her way around).

high school

during kixe's sophomore year of high school, jamie arrived at her house at midnight. they had lost their parents several years prior, and were struggling in the foster care program, and so they decided that they would run away from home that very night. kixe was devastated and begged them to stay, but jamie's mind was already made up. so after a tight hug, they ran off into the dark. kixe tried her best to stay positive, staying up by her phone every single night in case her best friend called from a payphone like they ocassionally were able to. eventually, they stopped calling, and kixe's mental health greatly declined. she began to cut herself off from her other friends and rarely left the house during the day. instead, she found herself becoming friends with a group of 3 delinquents who hung out in alleyways during the night to vandalize. kixe started to get into minor street fights and in trouble with the law, but felt like she had a safe distraction from her problems. after around a year, jamie was found alive when they turned themself in. after being stuck in juvy for another year, they were released and kixe's life began to slowly return to normal.


as of right now, kixe is a college student that is working on her major in photography. she is still very close to all of her friends from high school, and is dating both jamie and lucha. she has developed somewhat severe abandonment issues from her past, but remains optimistic no matter what and never fails to see the light in dark situations. in the future, she goes on to work as a professional photographer for her lovers' band and also does camera work for magazines and modeling agencies.

  • nature
  • small animals
  • strawberries
  • cuddling
  • horror movies
  • sour candy
  • confrontation
  • thunderstorms
  • photography
  • roller/ice skating
  • painting
  • exploring outside

