


2 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Past names

Shykit, Shypaw, Shyclover


Nonbinary, Masc Lean




River's Ship


Pirate (warrior), Captain (Leader)


Hibiscuspond (Older Sister)






Thistlepaw, Furzepaw, Robinpaw


Shyclover: Small, thick-furred Dusk-Grey Tom with his left ear folded forward, and tired blue-green eyes. 

A very shy cat, but very friendly and a talented fighter. He has a really bad sickness in respiratory system, but it never stopped him from being a warrior, then leader later on.

As a kit, he was very sickly and weak to the point that he wouldn't make it to apprentice age. Jewelstar, however, had faith in them while many didn't. One of these many cats who believed Shykit would die was Badgerstrike, a Lead Warrior at the time. He concluded that Shykit would go to the elder's right when he's old enough to leave the nursery.

Despite what many believed, Shykit became Shypaw and trained to be a pirate (warrior). A lot of his training was delayed because of his illness (extreme asthma) but his mentor was patient. He was part of a fox attack with Foxpaw (Scarletscar) and Flowerpaw (Rushingcreek), which had him bedridden for days. His mentor dies from the attack, and Badgerstrike takes Shypaw as his apprentice with no question. Badgerstrike threw all of his frustrations about his son to Shypaw, making him the cat that he wished Scarletscar was.

Shypaw went through harsh training and names himself Shyclover when promoted to Pirate. Badgerstrike still trains him when they don't have any duties, and Shyclover grew pretty used to it. Badgerstrike promised Shyclover that once he became leader, he will make Shyclover Lead Warrior and then Deputy, and have him lead Riverclan like what he wanted for his son Scarletscar. "You're going to be the son I wished I had" the older warrior stated

He tells all of his to Scarletscar, and the two bond with how awful Badgerstrike is. They were already friends, but they ended up growing closer with this. The two developed mutual feelings for one another, they knew they liked each other, many other cats did too, but instantly cut it off because of the dumb healer rules.

Brookthorn and Duskbriar join riverclan, and Shyclover tries his best to befriend Duskbriar. A lot of work, but worth it. The two often left to go fishing and talk about anything on their mind. It’s very comforting for the both of them, reminds Shyclover of the days with Scarletscar. 

Shyclover learns how to buildup a (better) backbone with the help of Duskbriar. They snap at Badgerstrike one day and then stopped training with him for good. “I’ll never become like you” he said, and left to keep fishing with Duskbriar.

They became mates with Duskbriar sometime after Giovanni’s death. They raised two litters, and he was unbelievably happy with Duskbriar. Time passed and his mate mysteriously disappeared one day, and Badgerstrike states that they’re dead. Not long after, Marvelscale and Jewelstar vanish. Badgerstrike steps up in leading and forces Shyclover as deputy.

Forced to be leader after basically every potential leader and the leader themselves are killed. Because he successfully passed the trial, he became leader.