


6 years, 6 months ago


name: Cassiel

gender: Male

age: 22

sexuality: Homosexual

species: Fallen angel

    appearance: He is 6"1' with light skin and a thin and weak body  type. Half of him is encased with thick stone which makes it very hard  to move. While he can slightly move the right side of his body, but it  is numb and very slow. He usually has a crutch propped under his right  arm.


Cassiel had never been too angel like on the inside, but kept it quiet and hidden deep down. In reality,  he is a very easily angered person. He used to be the picture of irony  himself, being the angel of temperance  before he fell. But maybe that is why he was called who he was, because  he was able to control every emotion against what was supposed to be his  very nature. After he fell he only became more angry and bitter. He is  rude and snappy with a short patience. He no longer knows how to control  his emotions and will often act out against people who he care about on  accident. He doesn't mean to be rude, he is just confused and scared;  but that isn't a very good excuse.


The angel of temperance. All of the angels now laugh at that very idea. Who would've guessed that the one angel who was always supposed to keep his cool would snap so hard. He can't  even remember what it was, just a off handed offensive comment when he  was already so far at the end of his rope. He attacked an Archangel  almost unprovoked. He had kept every emotion bottled up for so long that  he had tackled the prestigious angel to the ground and unrelentingly beat on the angel within an inch of it's life. He was dragged off and sent to earth, but  not before having a painful curse set upon him. The right side of his  body was turned to stone, making it nearly impossible and very painful  to move.


Despite half of his body barely working, he  has shown no significant health conditions. He seems to be nearly  immortal, and it would take quite an extra amount of effort to really  kill him

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